2023-11-30 14:39:00
(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Shin Woong-soo = Members of the public sector joint response committee of the two major unions are calling for a revision of the Act on the Management of Public Institutions (Public Transport Act) at a press conference held in front of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 15th. Regarding the Korean government’s violation of the collective bargaining rights of public workers, they said that the International Labor Organization (ILO) recommended that “the government take action to ensure that the government’s guidelines respect the autonomy of the parties involved,” and urged the National Assembly to revise the Public Transport Act to institutionalize the recommendations. 2023.11.15/News 1
The Federation of Korean Trade Unions and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions announced last year’s income of 39.2 billion won and 24.6 billion won, respectively. The number of union members was calculated to be 200,000 more in the Federation of Korean Trade Unions than in the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, which has less total revenue and fewer members than the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, paid labor costs to full-time union members more than twice as much.
According to the information entered by the Federation of Korean Trade Unions and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions into the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s labor union accounting disclosure system on the 30th, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions earned a total of 39.25718 billion won last year. About 15.2% of total revenue was union dues (5,986.47 million won), and revenue from profitable businesses was 5,616.75 million won, or regarding 14.3%. However, the Federation of Korean Trade Unions said, “Most of the carryover from the previous year (approximately 22.9 billion won), which was taken as income, is a deposit for owned buildings, so it is a budget that cannot be used.” The Federation of Korean Trade Unions’ income last year, excluding carryovers, was around 16.3 billion won.
The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions reported total income of 24.633 billion won last year. This amount includes regarding 4.6 billion won in carryover from the previous year. Excluding this, current income is approximately 20 billion won. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions counted its income as ‘sub-organization levies’ instead of union dues, and the amount was 18.09 billion won. About 73.4% of total income comes from union members. Income from profitable businesses was not entered separately.
The Federation of Korean Trade Unions entered last year’s total expenditure as 39.2571 billion won. There is a difference of 80,000 won from total income. Of this amount, the amount spent on labor costs for full-time union employees was 4,288.93 million won, or regarding 10.9%. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions reported that total income and total expenditures were the same, and that 9.06 billion won was spent on labor costs. It is regarding 36.8% of total expenditure. Compared to the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, labor costs were twice as much in amount and more than three times as much as the ratio of total expenditures.
The Federation of Korean Trade Unions announced that the number of union members was 1,320,882 and total assets were 52,297.54 billion won. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions reported 1,120,199 union members, which is 200,000 fewer than the Federation of Korean Trade Unions. The total assets reported by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions were 8,775.2 million won.
The government introduced an accounting disclosure system to increase transparency in union accounting. Although disclosure itself is voluntary, unions that do not disclose information cannot receive the 15% tax credit on union dues. You must disclose last year’s accounting results by the deadline to receive a tax deduction for union dues from October to December of this year in next year’s year-end tax settlement.
The Federation of Korean Trade Unions and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions opposed the government’s policy, but announced that they would participate in accounting disclosure due to concerns regarding economic disadvantages for union members. This is the first time that the Federation of Korean Trade Unions and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions have disclosed accounting information to the outside world.
#Korean #Confederation #Trade #Unions #earns #Federation #Korean #Trade #Unions #spends #labor #costs