König Charles III. Released from Hospital After Enlarged Prostate Treatment – Updates on Queen Camilla and Princess Kate’s Hospital Stay

2024-01-29 21:08:17

König Charles III. left the hospital after several days of treatment for an enlarged prostate. The British head of state was released on Monday after a planned procedure, Buckingham Palace announced. He postponed some public appointments in order to recover privately. British media had previously reported that his wife Queen Camilla arrived again at the London private clinic.

“His Majesty would like to thank the medical team and everyone who supported his visit to the hospital and is grateful for all the kind messages he has received over the last few days,” the statement continued. The king underwent a procedure for benign prostate enlargement at the London Clinic on Friday.

Charles’ daughter-in-law was there a few hours earlier Princess Kate discharged from the same hospital. The wife of the heir to the throne Prinz William had an abdominal operation about two weeks ago. The exact diagnosis is not known.

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