Kon Tum solemnly celebrates the 110th anniversary of the province’s founding | Society

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang hands over the Prime Minister’s Decision recognizing Kon Tum city as a Grade II city directly under Kon Tum province. (Photo: Khoa Chuong – VNA)

On February 9, the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Kon Tum province solemnly held The 110th Anniversary of the Founding of Kon Tum Province (February 9, 1913-February 9, 2023) and announced the Prime Minister’s Decision recognizing Kon Tum city as a grade II city directly under Kon Tum province.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Vo Van Thuong, Politburo member, Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat; Nguyen Hoa Binh, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang and leaders of departments, ministries, central branches, provinces and cities attended.

Speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of the Party and State leaders, Mr. Vo Van Thuong acknowledged and praised the efforts and achievements that the Party Committee, government and people of ethnic minorities in Kon Tum province have achieved in the past year. throughout the process of formation, construction and development.

The most obvious proof is from rural and mountainous villages to urban streets, Kon Tum’s appearance is changing day by day, more beautiful than before, imbued with national identity, creating new vitality and a new atmosphere. .

[Nhiệm vụ quan trọng nhất của Kon Tum là nâng cao đời sống nhân dân]

To obtain these great achievements, it is the constant efforts and striving of the Party Committee and many generations of comrades and ethnic people in the province; is the great concern and assistance of the Central Government and the people of the country.

Kon Tum long in the big wish to le ky niem 110 men right at the laptop screen 2Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat Vo Van Thuong speech at the 110th Anniversary of the founding of Kon Tum province. (Photo: Khoa Chuong/VNA)

Standing Committee of the Secretariat Vo Van Thuong suggested that in the coming time, party committees and organizations, each cadre, party member and ethnic people in the province should be fully aware of the role, position, potential and benefits of the Party. the same situation, with the difficulties and challenges of Kon Tum province; draw valuable lessons from the cause of national liberation struggle; promote the cultural, historical and revolutionary traditions of the province to become the strength and concrete actions in building the Kon Tum homeland to develop faster, more sustainably and more beautiful.

Mr. Vo Van Thuong suggested that Kon Tum province continue to innovate its growth model, strongly shift the economic structure towards rational development in both width and depth, for sustainable development and environmental protection. Focus on developing industries and services with potential and advantages, especially green tourism, agricultural product processing industry. In particular, awakening the valuable potential of Ngoc Linh ginseng, building it into a concentrated medicinal plant and processing area of ​​the country.

Party committees at all levels, party organizations, authorities, unions and people of ethnic minorities in Kon Tum province must really pay attention and act more strongly in planting and protecting forests, resolutely preventing and strictly handling these deforestation, must protect and preserve well the “blue shirt” of the Central Highlands. To take care of preserving and promoting the historical and cultural values ​​of the ethnic groups in association with tourism development; focus on propagating and mobilizing the people to abolish outdated and inappropriate customs. In addition, the development of education and training, improving the quality of human resources should be focused on investment, especially in ethnic minority areas and disadvantaged areas.

With a key position in terms of national defense and security, Kon Tum must pay attention to strengthening national defense, maintaining political security, rural security, religious security, order and security. the whole society in the area; building a border of friendship, cooperation, stability and development, striving for Kon Tum to soon become a center of trade, connection, convergence and spread of the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia Development Triangle.

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At the ceremony, Secretary of the Kon Tum Provincial Party Committee Duong Van Trang gave a speech to review the process of formation, construction, development and the history of heroic revolutionary struggle of the Party Committee and people of ethnic minorities in Kon Tum province. .

Kon Tum (in Ba Na language means Lake Village), the land in the North Central Highlands has long been inhabited by humans, with typical evidence of the Lung Leng Archaeological Site belonging to the Late Paleolithic period. Humans have existed and developed in the land rich in resources, from generation to generation, experiencing countless changes and challenges. In particular, it is necessary to mention the very early presence of local ethnic groups such as: Ba Na, Xe Dang, Gia Rai, Gie-Trieng, B’rau, and Ro Mam.

With its position as an area with a very important strategic position in the North Central Highlands, right after the domination of Vietnam, the French colonialists established a ruling apparatus in Kon Tum.

Kon Tum long in the big ceremony to celebrate 110 men right at the laptop screen 3Standing comrades of the Secretariat Vo Van Thuong, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court Nguyen Hoa Binh and Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang attended the 110th founding anniversary of Kon Tum province. (Photo: Khoa Chuong/VNA)

On February 9, 1913, the Governor General of Indochina issued a Decree to establish an administrative unit of Kon Tum province, covering a large area of ​​land in the North Central Highlands in order to strengthen governance and exploit resources in the region. this land.

Experiencing 2 resistance wars, the army and people of the province’s ethnic groups Kon Tum Under the leadership of the Party, he fought bravely and contributed to defeating the invasion wars of the French colonialists and the American imperialists.

From the victory of Mang Den, Mang But and Kon Praih in January 1954, to the co-insurgency in Ta Bot in September 1960, then the victory of Dak To-Tan Canh in the summer of 1972 and the historic victory on March 16, 1975. completely liberated Kon Tum province, contributing to the Great Spring Victory in 1975, reunifying the country.

Kon Tum long in the big wish to le ky niem 110 right at the laptop screen 4Opening the festival to celebrate the 110th founding anniversary of Kon Tum province. (Photo: Du Math/VNA)

Through the process of dividing and adjusting administrative boundaries, up to now, Kon Tum province has 10 district-level administrative units with a population of nearly 590,000 people, with continuous development in all fields. The province’s economic growth rate (GRDP) has always maintained a good growth rate. The economic structure shifts in a positive direction; High-tech application of agriculture is focused. The rate of poor households decreased to 10.86%; The material and spiritual life of the people is improved.

At the ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang handed over the Prime Minister’s Decision recognizing Kon Tum city as a Grade II city directly under Kon Tum province.

On this occasion, leaders of the Party and State and a large number of officials and people of Kon Tum province enjoyed fireworks, the art program “Going to the Sun” to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the province’s founding. /.

Faculty of Chapters (VNA/Vietnam+)

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