Kompolnas Appreciates the Establishment of the Directorate of Crimes Against Women and Children

National Police Commission member Poengky Indarti.(Antara Photo)

MEMBER of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Poengky Indarti appreciates the steps taken by the Chief of Police General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo to establish the Directorate of Women and Children’s Crimes (PPA) and the Directorate of Cyber ​​Investigation (Ditressiber) at the Regional Police level.

In his statement in Jakarta, Sunday (22/9), he said that the Chief of Police has long been committed to strengthening and developing the Police, especially for important issues, one of which is protecting women and children from the dangers of violence.

The commitment, he said, is one of the efforts of the Police to protect vulnerable groups from various violence that continues to increase. The formation of the PPA Directorate is awaited because of the increasing cases of human trafficking where the main victims are women and children.

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“With this new directorate, handling of cases of violence against women and children and human trafficking can be more focused and integrated, making it very relevant to current needs,” said Poengky.

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He also reminded that female police officers should play a bigger role in this directorate. The Chief of Police has appointed Brigadier General Desy Andriani as Director of the PPA Directorate through a telegram dated September 20, 2024.

“The public’s great hope is that this directorate will be able to handle these cases with high professionalism, transparency and accountability,” he said.

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Meanwhile, regarding the formation of Ditressiber, Poengky appreciated the strengthening from within the police by forming a special directorate at the Regional Police level to eradicate cybercrime, the number of which continues to increase.

“This strengthening is very important considering that in the future we will be increasingly busy handling various types of cybercrime, such as phishing, online prostitution, pornography involving women and children, hacking, drug trafficking, credit card fraud, online fraud, hoax news, hate crimes, especially in the coming political years,” he said.

Poengky also appreciated the establishment of this directorate which was prioritized for Regional Police that handle many cyber cases, have high professionalism among their members, and are located in areas with high levels of vulnerability.

“Strengthening the Cyber ​​Directorate in this large Regional Police is expected to be able to handle the increasingly complex challenges of cybercrime in the future,” he said.

The Chief of Police has appointed eight Pamen to occupy the position of Director of Cyber ​​Research (Dirressiber) in eight Regional Police as stated in a telegram dated September 20, 2024. The names are as follows:

1. AKBP Doni Satria Sembiring, who previously served as Head of Subbagopsnal Dittipidsiber Bareskrim Polri, was appointed as Dirressiber Polda North Sumatra (Sumut).

2. Senior Commissioner Setyo K Heriyanto, who previously served as Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Central Kalimantan Regional Police, was appointed as Director of Cyber ​​Crime of the Metro Jaya Regional Police.

3. AKBP Resza Ramadiansyah, who previously served as Head of Subbagrenmin Dittipidsiber Bareskrim Polri, was appointed as Director of Cyber ​​Investigation of the West Java (Jabar) Regional Police.

4. Senior Commissioner Himawan Sutanto Saragoh, who previously served as Director of Water Police of the Bangka Belitung Regional Police, was appointed as Director of Cyber ​​Police of the Central Java (Jateng) Regional Police.

5. Senior Commissioner R. Bagoes Wibisono Handoyo, who previously served as the Level III Middle Investigation Supervisor of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police, was appointed as the Director of Cyber ​​Investigation of the East Java (Jatim) Regional Police.

6. AKBP Ranefli Dian Candra, who previously served as Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation of the Bali Police, was appointed as Director of Cyber ​​Crime of the Bali Police.

7. AKBP Taufik Sugih Adhadi, who previously served as Head of Subbagprogar Bagren Rorenmin Bareskrim Polri, was appointed as Dirressiber Polda Sulteng.

8. AKBP Syansyrujak, who previously served as Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation of the Papua Police, was appointed as Director of Cyber ​​Crime of the Papua Police. (Ant/H-3)

#Kompolnas #Appreciates #Establishment #Directorate #Crimes #Women #Children



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