Kominfo Gives Awards to Outstanding Community Information Communities at Kimfest 2024

Kominfo gives awards to the Outstanding Community Information Community at KIMFest 2024: (MI/Lina Herlina)

The Community Information Festival (KIMFest) held by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) in collaboration with the Makassar City Government, South Sulawesi, 9-11 August 2024, was combined with the 2024 UMKM Fiesta. Entering the peak of the activity, Saturday (10/9) evening, Kominfo gave appreciation to KIM from the four existing categories.

The four award recipients are KIM Dinamika Sinema Nusantara, from the Special Region of Yogyakarta for the Best KIM category in the Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises Sector. Then the Best KIM in the Tourism Sector was awarded to KIM Sani-sani from Southeast Sulawesi. Then the Most Transformative KIM went to KIM Tirto Gumitir, East Java Province. The Most Innovative KIM was awarded to KIM Rancah Mampulung from South Kalimantan.

“I congratulate the KIM champions. Hopefully the appreciation given can maintain the spirit of KIM to continue to advance, innovate in developing programs to advance the potential of local wisdom and the economy of the surrounding community. As well as more massively support the dissemination of public information, related to government priority policies and programs to the community,” said the Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Usman Kansong.

According to him, KIM is a strategic partner of the government, which has a big role in conducting public communication to the community, especially at the grassroots. So that the KIM Festival is not only a place to compete, but also an arena to celebrate existence, network, and exchange ideas and share success stories, so that they are always compact.

“KIMFest is also an opportunity to introduce KIM to the wider community, that KIM is an element that comes from, by and for the community. It could also be that all those present have carried out the function of KIM in their daily lives. And it turns out that there are many more KIMs that have great potential,” Usman continued in his speech.

This year’s KIM Competition assessment is still the same as the previous year, conducted in three fields, namely MSMEs, tourism, and agriculture/plantations. However, Usman said, there is no representative for the agriculture/plantations sector, so awards are only given to the Best KIM in the MSME sector and the Best KIM in the Tourism Sector. There are also special awards for KIMs that are considered successful in carrying out digital transformation, and KIMs that have succeeded in carrying out various innovations.

“For KIM who have not succeeded in winning the annual competition, it is hoped that we will never be losers until we stop trying. Therefore, see you again at the KIM Festival next year,” he concluded, not forgetting to express his gratitude to the Mayor of Makassar, Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto, who prepared the place, was willing to collaborate and synergize to make the KIMFest event a success.

The Mayor of Makassar, who is familiarly called Danny Pomanto, said that he, in this case the Makassar City Government, is very happy and enthusiastic if there are activities held in his city. Because since 2023, the Makassar City Government has declared itself as the City of Tepian Air Festival’

“We have declared ourselves as a waterfront festival city, because our city is directly adjacent to the beach. In fact, we have just held an activity called the 8 Makassar Festival, which combines attractions from three elements, namely air, sea and land. And of course, we also always invite tourists with the branding of Makassar as the City of Delicious Food, because this city is known for its various famous culinary delights,” explained Danny.

Previously, the Minister’s Expert Staff for Social, Economic and Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Communication and Information, R Wijaya Kusumawardhana representing the Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information explained that Indonesia has a unique geography that is a challenge to equalizing access to information on government priority programs and policies for the community. Realizing this, the development of telecommunications infrastructure continues to be carried out as an effort to equalize access to information and digital transformation for the community.

“So with the presence of KIM, it becomes a strategic partner of the Ministry of Communication and Information in the dissemination of public communication, under the guidance of the Communication and Information Service to improve digital literacy in the community. As well as being a liaison between the government and the community, it also ensures that the community obtains information related to the government’s priority policies,”
Wijaya explained.

The pinnacle of appreciation

At the peak of the KIM Appreciation award, the 2024 KIM Competition Assessment Team was also present, consisting of academics from Communication Science, FISIP UI Irwansyah, and Communication Science, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Rulli Nasrullah. Then the Director of Governance and Public Communication Partnership, Ministry of Communication and Informatics Hasyim Gautama, Director of Economic and Maritime Information and Communication, Ministry of Communication and Informatics Septriana Tangkary. Also present was Assistant I for Government and Social Welfare of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government Andi M Yasir.

KIMFest is not only about giving appreciation to the best KIM in its field, but also many other activities, such as regional music performances, exhibitions and visits to several locations such as Command Center or War Room Makassar City Government.

South Sulawesi’s traditional art, To Riolo music, also took part in KIMFest. The Makassar City Culture Office presented To Riolo music from Sanggar Lentera Art as one of the activity items at the event centered at the Anjungan City of Makassar – Losari Beach.

Seven To Riolo musicians presented instrumental music accompanied by two singers who sang Makassar regional songs, such as Anging Mammiri, Minasa Riboritta, Sulawesi Pa’rasanganta, and Pakarena. To Riolo music is a traditional performing art that has been recorded as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. During the heyday of the Makassar kingdoms, To Riolo music was known as palace entertainment that was often performed to entertain royal guests.

In fact, a number of members of the Public Information Community (KIM) from Parigi Regency, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng), Nita, admitted to being amazed by the facilities. Command Center or War Room Makassar City Government on the 10th Floor of Makassar City Hall. According to him, the Makassar City War Room is an example that will be brought and re-implemented to his region.

Not only Nita, other groups also said the same thing. It was KIM Darma Satya Nusantara (DSN) from Yogyakarta. One of its members, Sastra said, his team had a very interesting impression after visiting the Makassar City War Room.

Sastra said, for him this is truly an example for other cities. “If this condition is applied to each city with sufficient budget then it will greatly help the community. Both against criminal acts and others,” said Sastra.

It is recorded that there are 11 KIMs from 9 provinces and 50 botuh who participated in KIMFest this time, namely South Sulawesi, East Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, West Java, South Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, and East Kalimantan. (N-2)

#Kominfo #Awards #Outstanding #Community #Information #Communities #Kimfest



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