Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place – PHOTO | Arts. News and News about the field of Art – 2024-03-17 16:58:03

Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place – PHOTO |  Arts.  News and News about the field of Art
 – 2024-03-17 16:58:03

The Society for Social Action and Culture Koino_Topia www.koinotopia.gr in the context of promoting Culture and getting to know the historical memories of the city organized with the help of the organization’s member Michalis Gazi, an archaeologist, a tour of the Roman Stadium of Patras on Saturday March 9.

The tour excited the 32 participants as information and historical data from the period in which Patras was an important city of the Roman Empire and the restoration and upgrading of the Stadium were mentioned.

This action is part of a long-term plan of the association which aims to approach the historical, social and cultural characteristics of Patras by retrieving memories with the help of fellow citizens with expertise in a cognitive subject.

And as mentioned by M. Gazis, the great advantage of Patras has always been its central geographical position on the coast of the NW Peloponnese, on the main road axis of Corinth, Patras, but also on the sea roads, which led from the East to the West and vice versa. An insignificant county during the Geometric and Archaic periods, Patras does not seem to play an important role in the events of the Greek area during the Classical era. During the Hellenistic years, however, it developed populationally, spatially and above all economically.

The event that radically changed the fate of the city is its establishment as a Roman colony by Octavian Augustus in 14 BC. with the name Colonia Augusta Achaica Patrensis, in which settled Roman citizens, veterans (veterans) of the X and XII legions who were also the high society of the city. Its current position in the maritime communication between the eastern and western Mediterranean, its central political and military role in the southern Greek area, the new social and economic conditions, the cultural flourishing, the mixing and coexistence of a multinational population element and its freedom introduction of new religions and deities, formed the favorable framework for the development of Patras.

It is possible that this contributed to the decision of the Apostle Andrew to come and spread the Christian religion in Patras, during the years of Nero, probably between 64-68 AD. The city reached the highest point of its long history, from the beginning of the 2nd century. until the middle of the 3rd c. A.D. Image of the Roman Patras from the second half of the 2nd century. A.D. offered to us by the geographer and traveler Pausanias, who visited the city under Marcus Aurelius.

Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place - PHOTO Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place - PHOTO Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place - PHOTO Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place - PHOTO Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place - PHOTO Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place - PHOTO Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place - PHOTO Koino_Topia: The familiarization tour with the Roman Stadium of Patras took place - PHOTO

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