“Koh-Lanta’s Tania Reveals Secrets About Winning Immunity Collar and Duel Against Esteban”

2023-05-24 04:00:00

By winning her duel against Esteban last week, Tania won the big prize: food for the whole reunited tribe, the mail of her family as well as the one she chose to give Quentinand even an index (of size) in order to find the most precious sesame in Koh-Lanta : an immunity collar! However, the task was not easy for the young sportswoman who had to ask for help to understand the clue… What made internet users laugh. But she nevertheless decided not to play it… And she did well! But was it a stroke of luck? She answers !

Tania (Koh-Lanta 2023) : “They had absolutely no idea that I had the immunity necklace…”

Tania is having fun today for not having understood the clue by getting confused on the cardinal points: “Now I know: the sun rises in the east and sets in the west! I found the necklace because I went to collect the information on the camp in a very smart way. (laughs) But it does not matter. I had previously asked Quentin and he had confused me by telling me that the West was Asia when I told him it was Europe. He disturbed me. And then, I didn’t know where the sun rose and set so I’m going to pass for someone not very intelligent but you won’t blame me… We don’t eat a lot, all the neurons are not active, you can’t be perfect !“Once the immunity necklace has been found, Tania returns to the camp to hide it in her belongings while all the adventurers have eaten… Didn’t the latter suspect that she had this precious sesame? She is convinced that this is not the case:I don’t believe knowing that I did comedy very well. When I got back to camp, honestly I don’t think they had any idea I had the necklace. In addition, I had received letters from my relatives… Afterwards, we will see in the following episodes but they have never said anything to me about it since.

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Tania (Koh-Lanta, the Sacred Fire) explains why she didn’t use her immunity collar: “Jhad discussed with Julie but…

However, it is inflated to the block that she leaves for the immunity test. She says in the episode: “Even if I gain immunity, I don’t give anyone the immunity necklace (…) Mon Koh-Lanta changed in a day!“. But despite all her efforts, she only finished 4th in the roped event with the blind maze, which gave the adventurers a lot of trouble. She was the first to choose the “visualization” option for the maze. … Big mistake ! “It was a very bad idea knowing that you only have 20 seconds to look at the maze. However, I was off to a good start and I was well in my thinking and in my intuition to free the rope but in front of the labyrinth, we are very tired and it is short: it’s impossible to remember! Going to see him served me more than anything else… The proof: the three who did not come out of the test (Nicolas, immune, Laura and Frédéric, Editor’s note) finished first…

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Tania confides in the rest of Koh-Lanta, the Sacred Fire : “The immunity collar allows me to consider orienteering…”

As a result, Tania finds herself vulnerable on the board… But then why did you try this gamble? Was she sure of herself? “Yes and no because on Koh-Lantayou can never be sure of yourself… I was stressed at the time of the advice, really not serene ! I had never approached a board like that. My biggest fear was to leave with an immunity necklace! It would still have been a shame… I had discussed with Julie, who was very close to Nicolas and she told me that she thought I was not going out. But nothing is sure in Koh-Lanta et I didn’t trust Julie. And then, Laura could also have had a necklace! I didn’t know… I mainly relied on my intuitions and it paid off: I was very proud! I am lucky to have a very good intuition in life as on Koh-Lanta… Finally when I don’t play too much with emotions!“.

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A particularly precious necklace since Denis Brogniart announced that the next advice will be the last! The adventurer exults: “This immunity necklace ensures me to be serene at the next council! I told myself that from then on, it was going to be decided on merit, like when I re-entered the adventure after the duel against Esteban. They kept saying I wasn’t deserving and re-entering because I won against an adventurer proved otherwise. The necklace allows me to consider orienteeringthe posts perhaps, and only on merit! I’ll stay if I win now

#didnt #trust #Julie

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