Know the reasons why you should include cottage cheese in your diet

Substituting cheese for cottage cheese can be good for your health, as this food has been proven to be low in fat and help build muscle.

Consume healthy food is essential to see you and feel good, therefore, today we will tell you 5 reasons why you should include the cottage cheese in your diet, especially if you exercise and want to tone your body.

This food is a dairy derivative that is obtained from cow’s milk whey and is characterized by a grainy texture.

Due to its flavor, it combines well with foods such as salads, tacos and tlacoyos, although it can also be used in desserts or with fresh fruit.

Why should you eat more cottage cheese?

Cottage cheese arises from the fermentation of the whey left over from cheese making, thanks to the action of lactic acid bacteria called lactobacillus. The whey is heated to 90°C so that the mass with a soft consistency and white color is formed.

In addition to being a perfect complement to many foods, cottage cheese provides many benefits, according to the Spanish Nutrition Society, such as:

High protein content

Cottage cheese is a protein source that has up to 4 times more protein than milk. Because it is prepared from whey, its proteins are of greater biological value than those found in other dairy products, such as casein.

In addition, the seroproteins or whey proteins it contains also provide all the essential amino acids.

Therefore, it is an ally to increase muscle mass and give energy in your exercise routine.

It has less fat than other cheeses

The fat content of cottage cheese is low, since it provides only 4 grams per 100. It is estimated that it has up to 8 times less fat than cheeses such as Roquefort.

For this reason, cottage cheese is an ideal food for a weight control or fat reduction diet.

easy digestion

If you have a delicate stomach or you don’t like cheese when you eat it, changing it to cottage cheese can be a good option, since it is an easily digestible food when it is fermented.

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Provides vitamins and minerals

Cottage cheese provides good amounts of mineral salts such as phosphorus and potassium, as well as half the calcium of milk. In addition, it has vitamins such as B12, B2 or riboflavin and B3 or niacin, which are essential in energy metabolism.

Little sodium

Another of the benefits of cottage cheese is that it has a more moderate sodium content than other cheeses.

There are more benefits of eating cottage cheese at night

A study in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that eating cottage cheese snacks at night may have additional benefits.

The researchers asked 10 active women aged 20 on average to eat a cup of cottage cheese, casein or a non-caloric placebo in the evening on 3 separate days, 30 to 60 minutes before bed.

When they woke up, they measured their resting energy expenditure, or the number of calories burned while sleeping.

Participants who ate cottage cheese before bed showed the same resting energy expenditure as those who ate casein, demonstrating that this food provides the same benefits as those found in a concentrated dairy protein source.

This provides an improvement in strength, metabolism and overall health, but without the fat and sodium content that some dairy products have.

You already know that eating more healthy foods like cottage cheese will not only add variety to your diet, but will also benefit your body.

With information from Your doctor.

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