Know Morphine Side Effects | metropolises

2023-04-27 15:50:12

In a statement to the Federal Police (PF), on Wednesday (26/4), former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) stated that he was under the effect of morphine when he shared, “mistakenly”, a video that challenges the system. Brazilian electoral. The incident took place two days after the January 8 coup acts.

According to the defense of the former president, on that occasion, he had just been discharged from the hospital after being hospitalized due to an intestinal obstruction crisis in the United States. At the hospital, doctors allegedly administered morphine to Bolsonaro.

“He had an intestinal obstruction crisis, underwent treatment with morphine, was hospitalized and was only discharged on the afternoon of the 10th. in the deposition.

What is morphine?

Morphine is a potent drug, from the opioid class, indicated for the relief of chronic or acute pain when regular analgesics are not enough for the patient. The drug acts mainly on opiate receptors, responsible for mediating pain and sedation.

“Morphine is well used for situations where there are high levels of pain. When normal analgesia is not enough for the patient, the pain treatment protocol evolves to opioid analgesics”, says pharmacist Alexandre Martins, counselor of the Regional Council of Pharmacy of the Federal District (CRF/DF).

Can it cause mental confusion?

According to Martins, the side effects of morphine depend on the administered dose. In a conventional treatment, the medicine can cause dizziness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting and sweating, but it is unlikely to cause mental confusion if administered according to the pain management protocol.

“In practice, when used in normal doses, morphine causes drowsiness. The person becomes lazy, but does not lose discernment. She can make decisions,” says Martins.

According to the professional, high doses are indicated for specific cases, such as cancer patients with chronic pain who have increased tolerance to sedation.

“Patients who take morphine every day no longer feel the effects and need to have the dose increased in order to obtain sedation”, he clarifies.

One possibility for the mental confusion alleged by the former president would be drug interaction, when different drugs are used together and their effects are potentiated.

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