You should know that Lourdes was one of the first towns in the department to be colonized in 2014 by the tiger mosquito. Laetitia, from the Artpiculture association, during the talk organized at the media library, Saturday February 18, tells us all regarding this insect in order to be able to recognize it: “It is smaller than a penny, less than one centimeter. It is spotted and can be recognized by a silver line that goes from the thorax to the head. It only bites during the day, unlike other species that bite at night and make noise. You should also know that it flies hovering and moves between 50 and 200 meters and not more than two meters high.Only the female bites to have blood to mature her eggs.She also needs water to reproduce because she lays the eggs at the surface of the water, but not in the water. Then, following 5 to 7 days, the larvae appear and feed on the microorganisms present in the water, then the nymphs swim and become mosquitoes.”
Its predators are dragonflies, frogs, fish, swifts, bats. It can be a vector of diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, if the mosquito has bitten a person carrying the disease before you. In the event of contamination, it is the Regional Health Agency that determines where the disease comes from and what to do.
To prevent its proliferation: remove all breeding sites and empty regularly: cups, tarpaulins, watering cans, anything that may contain stagnant water.