Knokke-Heist Implements Dress Code: Large LED Screens Warn Visitors of Fines

2023-08-18 20:38:56

The city of Knokke-Heist has installed large LED screens that announce a fine of 350 euros if visitors walk around shirtless or in bikinis, reports The last news.

The “heat plan” will be active this weekend when temperatures will exceed 28°C in Knokke. The plan provides for the deployment of additional people to ensure security as well as police officers who will circulate on the dike and in the city center. Electronic signs also warn visitors of the dress code to keep in public areas.

Read also Controversy in Knokke: the police intend to target “young people from big cities” this weekend

“Experience shows that a different public comes to our town on hot days,” explains the police chief at the microphone of HLN. In Knokke-Heist, visitors are not allowed to walk shirtless in the city center. Those who do so risk a fine of 350 euros.

#Visitors #face #fine #commit #offense #Knokke #weekend

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