KMCC has its own headquarters in Dubai KMCC headquarters in Dubai

Dubai: Government of Dubai has given land to KMCC to build its own headquarters in Dubai. Ibrahim informed in a press conference that one and a half acre of land was allotted in Rashidiya, Dubai. MA The land became available as a result of Yusafali’s efforts. A big headquarters of KMCC will be established here. The KMCC headquarters, which used to operate in Dera Abra, Sabaka, Al Baraha and Al Mamsar, is now operating in a rented building in Abuha.

CDA Director Ahmed Abdul Karim Julfar, MA Yousafali, Dubai Knowledge Fund Establishment CEO Abdullah Al Awar, businessmen Qader Street, Abdullah Poil, Dubai KMCC CDA Board of Directors President Ibrahim Alateil, Deputy Director Shamsuddin Bin Muhyiddin, Hussainar Haji Edachakai, Hamza Totti, VT Mustafa Vengara, Adv. Elate informed that Ibrahim Khalil participated in the signing ceremony.

Despite being kicked out, Ibrahim Eletil did not ‘get out’

Dubai: Ibrahim Elatil was expelled from the Muslim League and its sister organization KMCC, but not ‘exited’. Although the league leadership expelled him from the position of Dubai KMCC president due to infraction of discipline, he organized a press conference in the name of KMCC and set up a stall at the Sharjah Book Festival. Last day, Elate also participated in the signing of the memorandum of understanding related to giving government land to Dubai KMCC. Alatel still continues in KMCC as President of KMCC CDA Board of Directors. Eletil is still named as president of the Community Development Authority (CDA), which licenses organizations in the UAE. It is with this strength that Eletil continues to be a part of KMCC.

On October 15, Ibrahim Eletil was suspended on the grounds of indiscipline. The state committee of the Muslim League has informed through the ‘Chandrika’ daily newspaper that the office-bearers of the Muslim League and its subsidiary organizations are being suspended pending investigation. However, even following this, Eletil was a regular visitor to the KMCC headquarters in Abuha. At the Sharjah Book Festival, KMCC took over the stall and was a regular presence there. Sadiqali Thangal and others attended the book festival but did not meet Eletil. However, Alate participated along with other KMCC leaders in the signing of the memorandum of understanding related to the provision of land by the Dubai government to KMCC. KMCC Directors Shamsuddin Bin Muhyuddin, Hussainar Haji Etchakai, Hamza Totti, V.T. Mustafa Vengara, Adv. Ibrahim Khalil also participated. Lulu Group Chairman M.A. The ceremony was in the presence of Yusufali. The press conference called in this regard was held in front of the banner of KMCC.

Irregularities related to the management of Middleist Chandrika resulted in Eletil’s expulsion. The publication of Chandrika has been stopped due to the irregularity of crores of rupees.

Acceptance of suspension -​late

Dubai: Ibrahim Alate said that he accepts the suspension of the Muslim League leadership, but he is the president of the Dubai KMCC CDA board of directors. He was speaking at a press conference in Dubai. The organization can only operate in accordance with the law of this country. KMCC is registered with the Community Development Authority of the UAE. According to that, he is still the president. So he alone can sign the agreement and call the press conference. Muslim League leadership and leaders are respected. Still in touch with them. Leaders will take appropriate decision in this matter. Whatever final solution they propose will be accepted. Once the membership campaign is over, a new committee election will be held. The movement is dissolved in blood. He said that KMCC does not have the practice of asking permission from the leadership while calling a press conference.

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