“Klutch Academy”, the series that follows Rich Paul and his prospects

The roses are red, the violets are blue, a new series on the orange ball comes out and that’s good. Klutch Academy is a docu-series available on the BET channel (in most TV packages) and whose idea is to demystify the impenetrable business of Rich Paul by showing us behind the scenes of part of the business of the NBA. We knew the most influential player’s agent in the United States (Klutch Sports, LeBron James), less the laborer with a wise – sometimes philosophical – relationship with his prospects.

To be found every Monday in May at 8:45 p.m., on the channel BET . Reruns from Monday, May 30.

“When things weren’t going well at Duke, did you smoke marijuana? ». Sitting in front of Jalen Johnson – one of the prospects of the Klutch Sports agency – Bobby Marks does not fear indiscretion. The former Nets assistant GM today simulates player interviews with NBA franchise representatives. At Rich Paul’s request, he came to ask questions and try to put these young adults in difficulty. It’s a workout. On the sidelines of the 2021 Draft, Moses Moody, Brandon Boston Jr, Kai Jones, Jalen Johnson and Scottie Lewis share two points in common: they know how to put the orange thing in the big hoop, but still skate for the paperwork. By “paperwork”, we mean everything that does not relate to basketball but whose importance – from the perspective of a candidacy for the draft – is not negligible. This is where Rich Paul and his team come in. They have a year to put their « clients » in the best conditions in order to reach the higher level. Communication, logistics and personnel, it is this substantive work that the series highlights Klutch Academy, which dissects the organization of the agency, made attractive by the daily monitoring of prospects until the evening of the draft. A gripping formula. We do not want to lose sight of these young people who sacrifice a lot to achieve their dream. This story might have looked like a thousand others, but the Rich Paul angle is innovative. It illuminates a hitherto foggy area for the general public. Of course, we don’t take part in the very business discussions – not to say smuggling, prohibited or clandestine – but the human adventure is enough. The dialogues are deep, more spiritual than a simple: “You can do it, you have to believe in yourself! ». So far, it’s been a great success.

To date, three episodes of Klutch Academy were broadcast on the BET channel. Episode 1, “Love of the Beautiful Game”is unfortunately punctuated by the death of Terrence Clarke. Aged 19, this 2m01 rear was one of the great hopes of the Klutch Sports agency. He and Brandon Boston Jr. — teammates at Kentucky — shared a brotherly relationship. On April 23, 2021, on returning from training, a car accident was fatal to him. In reaction to the disappearance of Terrence Clarke, Rich Paul deploys a fatherly attitude with his prospects. This is one of the interesting points of the series. This affective side of the profession of player agent is inseparable from the label “house business”. The turnover of Klutch Sports is exorbitant, but internally, the turnover is not that of a factory. For Rich Paul, there is no point in signing thirty prospects per vintage. Personal follow-up would then become impossible. Although he sells this human side as the specialty of the Klutch house, we understand that the profession of agent requires total involvement in the life of his client. None of a player’s questions, regardless of their agency, should go unanswered. A draft selection requires a free spirit, peaceful, sure of its strengths. A lot of work on yourself, which we will be happy to follow every Monday.

With the influx of series related to basketball, this kind of parenthesis at the worked angle, which stands out, is a pleasure. The first two episodes set the bar high. With the excitement building as the draft draws near, there’s – on the face of it – no reason for it to run out of steam.

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