Klopp:Nunez starts because he scored last week, Crystal Palace will pay more attention to anti-reverse than last week – yqqlm

Original title:Klopp:Nunez starts because he scored last week Crystal Palace will focus more on anti-reverse than last week

Klopp: Nunes will start because he scored last week, Crystal Palace will focus more on defense than last week

Live it, August 16 News Before the start of the game against Crystal Palace, Liverpool coach Klopp accepted an interview with Sky Sports. He said that the team will work hard to prepare for the game.

About Nunes starting

Klopp: “Nunez is a very good player, he scored last week, that’s why he started.”

About the match against Crystal Palace

Klopp: “It’s going to be a tough game, but we’ll try to be ready. We’ve had a really interesting week with a lot of things going on, but we’re here and we’re ready for Crystal Palace. “

“I don’t even remember the game against Fulham. A lot has happened since then. You can see Crystal Palace adding a defender and they look like they’re going to be more counter-attacking than they were last week.”

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