Klaudiusz Ševković, one of the most characteristic participants of the first Polish edition of “Big Brother”, returns to TV screens. What does the 53-year-old do now and where will he be seen?
Klaudiusz Ševković in “Big Brother”
Klaudiusz Ševković was one of the participants in the memorable first edition of the Polish “Big Brother”. Apart from him, the following people lived in the Big Brother house: Piotr “Gulczas” Gulczyński, Alicja Walczak, Małgorzata Maier, Manuela Michalak and the late Janusz Dzięcioł, whom TV viewers chose as the winner. They all went on to have quite impressive television careers following the show ended.
On the wave of popularity following “Big Brother” Ševković he received his own culinary program on TVN “Wielka zaspodzianka Klaudiusza”, he also became the face of “Telezakupy Mango”. In addition, he appeared with other reality show participants in the film “Gulczas, what do you think…” from 2001 and in 2004 with Piotr Gulczyński took part in the program “Bar 4 – Gold for the bold”.
Shortly therefollowing, Claudius retired from television, and he focused on activities in politics and the sports industry. His golf is my greatest passion. The life of the former “Big Brother” star currently revolves around him – and, of course, his family.
Klaudiusz Ševković with Kuba Wojewódzki
Those who still fondly remember the first season of “Big Brother” will now have the opportunity see the long-unseen Klaudiusz once more on TVN. Ševković will be there guest of the latest episode of the “Kuba Wojewódzki” program. Apart from him, Klaudia El Dursi, host of the reality show “Hotel Paradise”, will also appear. Fragments of the conversation can already be found online, but the entire episode will be broadcast April 16 at 10:40 p.m.