Klaudia El Dursi is worried about her son. All because of “Hotel Paradise”

The “Top Model” program was for Klaudia El Dursi a gateway to the world of show business and a springboard to a television career. The TVN star fulfills herself not only as a celebrity, influencer and dating show host, but also as a… proud mother of two sons: 15-year-old Dawid and 10-year-old Jan.

Klaudia El Dursi attaches great importance to raising her children and skillfully combines her career with her private life. During work trips, she is accompanied by her sons, who then study remotely. Thanks to this, Dawid and Jan were already, among others, in Colombia, Panama or Zanzibar. It was no different this time, when the 35-year-old went to Vietnam for a few months, where the new edition of “Hotel Paradise” was recorded.

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See also: Klaudia El Drusi about her progress in front of the camera

Klaudia El Dursi’s son has big problems. All because of her works

The TVN star does not hide that taking the children to Asia was not the easiest task, because Dawid and Jan in the meantime had to cope with school duties, which were made difficult by, among others, time difference. In an interview with “Plejada” El Dursi admitted she was worried about her eldest sonwho has to make up for a lot of backlog after returning.

I am afraid that this is our most difficult outing, because in previous years, to be honest, the pandemic made it incredibly easier for us. Last year it was still bearable, but now it’s mine my older son is in his first year of high school, in a very demanding, high-quality high school and there is no individual course of study, he just collects notes from his peers every day – she confessed in an interview with “Plejada”.

After returning he will have to catch up on all the tests, write all the exams, and pass all the material. So I’m a little afraid and we make sure every day that these hours and these school standards are met and that we don’t leave it until the last minute, but it’s difficult to do – the presenter added.

Klaudia El Dursi does not know which class her youngest son attends

Coming face to face with school reality is not the easiest thing to do, especially after the carefree moments spent in Asia. Claudia El Dursi does not hide the fact that sending children to school in the morning is full of great emotions, which the proud mother decided to talk about in one of the videos shared online. The emotions are so high that The 35-year-old forgot which grade her youngest child was in.

Going to school. A movie could be made about this. Armageddon. Natural disaster. Swedish Deluge. It’s nothing that one child is already in the first high school and has gone to this school about a million times, the second one… and the other one is in what grade? El Dursi said, adding after a moment of silence: In primary school and it also came out many times, but it still evokes such emotions in us. Everything flew here: from strong curses, through heavy tools, and, of course, criminal threats – she said in a video published on TikTok.

It’s a good thing that Jacek and I are not married, otherwise I would have already taken the divorce papers out on the table. It’s a good thing we don’t have neighbors yet, because someone is already renovating. But he will be unhappy, this man. He doesn’t know what he’s signing up for. Let him think about it. We are not a quiet family, oh no, it is never quiet here. God, what mating cries were there. You know, the ones that come out of the loins. I do not know what is going on. The shoes fly here. I don’t have socks, it’s every morning. Where are my shoes and jackets. Jaś’s jacket is a river theme. No matter how many jackets you buy, there are not many. He goes out with a jacket, comes back without a jacket, and recently he went without a jacket – she confessed.

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However, Klaudia El Dursi can count on Internet users’ understanding. There have been many comments on TikTok from parents who, as it turns out, struggle with similar problems. No jacket, socks or breakfast is the norm…

The jacket is half the problem… my son is in the fifth grade, and he comes back wearing one shoe and can’t tell what happened to the other one; My daughter can forget that she has to take her backpack from school; Going to school is a kind of trauma for me; I see that it’s not only us that looks like this — we read in the comments section.

Quite a school thrill, isn’t it?

Klaudia El Dursi with her son Dawid (Instagram)Klaudia El Dursi with her son Dawid (Instagram)Klaudia El Dursi (Instagram)Klaudia El Dursi with her son Dawid (Instagram)Klaudia El Dursi (AKPA, AKPA)

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