Klaipėda’s K. Donelaitis Square has turned into July, the mayor claims that he did not give permission

The news regarding the trees being cut started to spread on social networks on Tuesday evening. The news was shared by public activist, former council member Nina Puteikienė. She raised the question: why was it necessary to cut the linden trees.

“Seven beloved, caressed, gently smacking linden trees fell!” The authorities had mentioned that they would cross only three – sick ones. And it swept away… It hurts,” responded musicologist Daiva Kšanienė.

“You know, the most upsetting method was to cut down the trees quietly, without publicizing it, without notifying the residents, the community, which for many years defended the old Klaipėda square from the architects of innovations and cafe ideas. It’s sad and dangerous when ungrateful questions highlighting different opinions are solved with an electric saw,” commented journalist Agnė Bukartaitė.

Aurelijos Jašinskienė / 15min.lt photo/Klaipėda, in K. Donelaitis square, seven trees cut down

The news also moved the former long-term mayor of Klaipėda, Vytautas Grubliauskas: “What is this? Maybe someone can explain what happened here in Donelaitis square? I don’t believe that this is some kind of arbitrary act, but an explanation and the most urgent one is needed immediately!”.

There were calls to bring candles to the square. In the followingnoon, the cut trees were already removed from the square. Only a few stumps remain.

Klaipėda Mayor Arvydas Vaitkus also responded to the situation. He said he visited the square and assessed the situation himself. According to him, the permission to cut down seven linden trees was not given.

“The commission that decides whether or not to cut down the trees made such a decision on its own, and it seems that the long-established traditions are still valid in the entire municipality, when departmental specialists and separately formed commissions make decisions without consulting the city government. Unfortunately, this will have to end no matter how much others may not like it. In the near future, I will call specialists to get objective material and methods, as it was established that the trees were really in a bad condition,” said the mayor.

According to him, the cutting of trees can be justified only when it is necessary, when the trees pose a danger. The mayor reminded how he did not support the idea of ​​cutting trees in the reconstructed Sculpture Park. About 500 trees were saved in this way.

“I can assure you that I do not support and will not support proposals to carry out huge reconstruction works here, to create cafes.” There are no such plans! I think that we have to look at it rationally and economically – here it is enough to fix the surface, renew the benches and we will continue to be able to enjoy the wonderful square, preserve the place of quiet rest loved by Klaipėda residents surrounded by greenery and in the shade of trees”, emphasized A. Vaitkus.

#Klaipėdas #Donelaitis #Square #turned #July #mayor #claims #give #permission
2024-04-15 19:44:36



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