Kissinghi: Russian troops must withdraw from all occupied areas Ukraine should not cede territory to Russia | International | Newtalk News

Former U.S. Secretary of State Kissinger. Photo: Dazhi Image/Associated Press (file photo).

During the five-month period of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, it repeatedly bombed houses, massacred civilians, and committed many vicious acts of sexual assault and rape. However, the 99-year-old former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called on Ukraine to cede territory to Russia in May, causing dissatisfaction with the Kyiv authorities. In an exclusive interview with German media on the 24th, he changed his mind and said that Ukraine should not cede Russia since the war. any territory occupied.

In an exclusive interview with ZDF, Kissinghi suggested that Ukraine and the West should not cede any Ukrainian territory occupied since the war to Russia in any future peace talks to end the conflict. Was it time for the West to approach Russian President Vladimir Putin for talks? Kissinghi stressed that democratic leaders must know what they are willing to talk about and what they are not willing to give up in any situation, and must do so in full cooperation with the Ukrainian people, which is the only basis for managing the Cold War situation.

The host then asked what to talk about when negotiating with Putin? Kissinghi responded that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiyy has repeatedly reiterated that there will be no negotiations on Ukrainian territory after the war begins. He suggested that in any future peace talks, Ukraine and the West should not cede any occupied Ukraine. The territory is given to Russia, and there should be no option to give up the territory on the negotiating table. Russia must withdraw from all the territories it occupies.

In a video speech at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland on May 23, Kissinghi called on Russia and Ukraine to start negotiations as soon as possible within the next two months to avoid becoming insurmountable. the unrest and tensions, he said at the time, ideally the demarcation line should return to its “status quo ante”.

The Washington Post reported and analyzed that Kissinghi’s so-called “status quo” refers to a return to Russia’s formal control of Crimea and informal control of Luhansk and Donnets in eastern Ukraine. Donetsk, which amounts to suggesting that Ukraine cede territory to Russia in exchange for peace.

In an exclusive interview on the 24th, Ji Xinji pointed out that the current situation is more complex than the Cold War, so it may be more dangerous, and it must be taken into account that opponents use more complex technologies than during the Cold War, and the leadership skills required now are also more complex and demanding than then. . Regarding whether Putin will launch a nuclear war, Kissinger believes that since the advent of nuclear weapons 80 years ago, no one is willing to cross that line, and he believes that the West can deter Putin.

During the five-month period of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, it repeatedly bombed houses, massacred civilians, and committed many vicious acts of sexual assault and rape. However, the 99-year-old former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called on Ukraine to cede territory to Russia in May, causing dissatisfaction with the Kyiv authorities. In an exclusive interview with German media on the 24th, he changed his mind and said that Ukraine should not cede Russia since the war. any territory occupied.

In an exclusive interview with ZDF, Kissinghi suggested that Ukraine and the West should not cede any Ukrainian territory occupied since the war to Russia in any future peace talks to end the conflict. Was it time for the West to approach Russian President Vladimir Putin for talks? Kissinghi stressed that democratic leaders must know what they are willing to talk about and what they are not willing to give up in any situation, and must do so in full cooperation with the Ukrainian people, which is the only basis for managing the Cold War situation.

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