Kirthar National Park: Decision to cremate the body of a leopard that died in shooting

Those who died in Kirthar National Park near Karachi on Tuesday (January 23) night were shot by local people Leopards It has been decided to keep the body in the Wildlife Museum after embalming it on scientific basis.

Dept forest of life The Sindh team presented the body of the leopard in the Jamshoro court on Wednesday, which was then shifted to Karachi on the direction of the court.

According to the wildlife department, the leopard was seen in Kirthar National Park after about 50 years.

According to Wildlife Police Protection Inspector Ghaffar Khan Jamali, they received information that an animal had been shot dead by villagers at Bachal Sonhero near Kanbhu Hill in Kirthar National Park.

According to Ghaffar Khan: ‘Someone told that a tiger had run away, then someone reported the death of a leopard or a wolf.’

Speaking to Independent Urdu, Ghaffar Khan Jamali said: ‘I left the office with my team and reached there after about 40 minutes of travel and saw the dead body of the leopard and some people were taking selfies with the dead body.

‘Bachal Sonhero is a village with a population of about 5,000. When we arrived, the villagers told us that a leopard had entered the village and attacked the cattle, so it was killed, but the body of the leopard was found half a kilometer away from the village. Initially, the residents of the village refused to keep the body, but after being explained, the body was handed over to us.

The Wildlife Department filed a First Offense Report (FOR) on the killing of the leopard naming Qadir Bakhsh, Ghulam Hussain and three unidentified persons. On Wednesday, the FOR and the leopard were produced in a court in Jamshoro, from where the body of the leopard was shifted to Karachi.

He further said that the leopard was hit by three bullets from a 12-bore gun. It was a male leopard, five feet 19 inches tall and about five years old.

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The dead leopard was spotted in Kirthar National Park after almost 50 years.

According to Sindh Wildlife Department Conservator Javed Ahmed Mehr, a leopard was killed by a poacher in Kirthar National Park in 1976, after 48 years of sighting, the leopard was killed on Tuesday.

According to Ghaffar Khan Jamali, the residents of Kirthar National Park informed him of the presence of the leopard many times, but no one saw the leopard.

During a survey, Ghaffar Khan Jamali saw footprints, but no one confirmed whether the footprints were of a leopard or any other animal.

The presence of leopards is a sign of improved biodiversity in Kirthar

According to Javed Ahmed Mehr, the presence of leopard in Kirthar National Park shows that the biodiversity has improved there.

‘The leopard is found where there is an abundance of prey and those animals grow only when there is more grass and a better environment. After the heavy rains in the last few years, Kirthar has continued to be green and the number of animals has increased due to conservation.’

According to Javed Ahmed Maher, the dead leopard is local and historically the presence of leopards in Kirthar National Park has been confirmed, but the laboratory report after the post-mortem will reveal the species of the leopard.

How much punishment for killing a leopard?

A case has been filed under the Sindh Wildlife Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management Act 2020 for the leopard that died in Kirthar National Park.

Under this Act Sindh Illegal capture or hunting of wild animals is punishable by heavy bloodshed and fines.

Under this law, the penalty for killing a leopard is Rs 12 lakh and imprisonment for five years or both. For illegal hunting of ibex, the price of bloodshed will be at least seven lakh rupees, while the price of Uryal will be up to 14 lakh rupees.

Similarly, the price of chinkara deer is Rs 2 lakh, wild donkey is Rs 5 lakh, wild wolf is Rs 5 lakh, black deer is Rs 250,000, rabbit is Rs 20,000. The price has been fixed at five lakh rupees.

The dead leopard may be of Persian breed

According to Azhar Ahmad Khan, Secretary of Field Sports and Conservation Society, a Karachi-based organization working on animal protection since 2004, leopards are found not only in Kirthar National Park in Sindh but also in other regions including the Thar Desert.

“Leopards found on the east side of the Indus River are Indian leopards and Persian leopards found on the west side, so it is more likely that this leopard is also of Persian origin.”

According to Azhar Ahmad Khan, the leopard is considered as the first rank or apex species in the wildlife conservation area.

Among the apex species in Kirthar are ibex, chinkara deer, lynx, wolf, fox and some wild cats along with leopard.

Azhar Ahmad Khan further said that ‘Leopard does not enter human population, so if seen, instead of killing it, report it to the wildlife department so that they can relocate the animal to another place.’

What is the significance of Kirthar National Park?

Karthar National Park is a vast park spread over the mountain range between Karachi and Jamshoro in Sindh, which is one of the major national parks of Pakistan.

According to the Sindh Wildlife Department, it is spread over 1192 square kilometers. The area was declared a Wildlife Game Sanctuary in 1972, under which no hunting, trapping of birds or animals and any disturbance of their natural habitat is allowed within the boundaries of the area. is illegal.

It was officially protected at the national level in 1974 by being given the status of a National Park.

It is the first park of Pakistan to be included in the list of National Parks of the world compiled by the United Nations in 1975, which is the only national park of Sindh province.

According to the official records of the Sindh Wildlife Department, there are currently 30,000 Sindh ibex, 14,000 aryals, 2,000 chinkaras, black deer, more than 500 species of deer, birds, mammals, birds, and many species in Kirthar National Park. Insects are found.

Kirthar National Park is home to jackals, wild peacocks, black-naped hares of the leopard species, wolves, several species of snakes, pheasants, several species of foxes including the white-footed fox, several species of mice, wild cats and birds such as eagles, eagles and Egyptians. It is a natural habitat for many species of animals including donkeys.

According to the Sindh Wildlife Department, leopards were also present in Kirthar National Park until recently.

Kirthar National Park is part of a larger complex of several nationally protected sites, including the Ramsar Site Hub Dam, Hub Dam Wildlife Sanctuary, Mahal Wildlife Sanctuary, Surjan, Sumbak, Eri, internationally recognized under the Ramsar Convention. And Hothiano Game Century is also included.

Sindh wildlife natural habitat center

Sindh is considered an important region in terms of biodiversity. Under the international agreement ‘Ramsar Convention’, wetlands of importance in terms of biological diversity are declared as Ramsar sites.

There are a total of 19 Ramsar sites in Pakistan, of which 10 are in Sindh province alone.

Apart from this, every year a large number of guest birds land on the waters of Sindh due to the incident on the ‘Indus fly zone’ on the way of birds going from Russia, Siberia and other countries to other regions of the world.

In different natural areas of Sindh, there are natural habitats of birds and species.

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#Kirthar #National #Park #Decision #cremate #body #leopard #died #shooting
2024-08-16 05:53:33



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