Demands for Election Reform and Infrastructure Improvement in pleven
Table of Contents
- 1. Demands for Election Reform and Infrastructure Improvement in pleven
- 2. Two-Stage Solution for Electronic Voting
- 3. Addressing Water Issues in Pleven
- 4. Openness in Public Projects
- 5. Looking Ahead
- 6. Urgent Calls for Election Reform and Infrastructure Upgrade in Pleven
- 7. Interview with Kiril Petkov, Co-chairman of “We Continue the Change”
- 8. On the Proposed Transition to Electronic Voting
- 9. Water Shortages: A “Shocking” Issue for Pleven
- 10. Transparency in Sports Hall Project
- 11. Call to Action
- 12. Addressing Progress and Pressing Issues in Pleven
- 13. Water Security Concerns
- 14. Promoting Transparency in Public Projects
- 15. Call for Citizen Engagement
- 16. What specific steps would “We continue the Change” take to ensure the security and reliability of electronic voting machines?
- 17. Interview with Kiril Petkov, Co-chairman of “We Continue the Change”
- 18. On the Proposed transition to electronic Voting
- 19. Water Shortages: A “Shocking” Issue for Pleven
- 20. Transparency in Public Projects
- 21. Looking Ahead: A Call to Action
During a recent press conference at the National Press Club in Pleven, Kiril Petkov, co-chairman of the political party “We Continue the Change,” called for a complete transition to electronic voting machines. Petkov raised concerns about the integrity of the last election, stating, “In the last election, several hundred votes were stolen. I believe that an entire party currently exists in parliament because of the stolen vote.If we close our eyes, we give up on democracy.”
Two-Stage Solution for Electronic Voting
Petkov proposed a phased approach to implementing electronic voting. “We suggest that the machines be returned in two stages. In the first stage, to return the old machines to remove the fakes with the paper vote. We are also ready to talk about machines that are scanning,” Petkov stated. He expressed confidence in securing parliamentary support for this proposal.
Addressing Water Issues in Pleven
Petkov also highlighted the critical need for infrastructure improvements in Pleven, especially addressing water shortages. “We need to invest in modern water management systems to ensure a reliable water supply for the city,” Petkov emphasized. He pointed out that inadequate water infrastructure negatively impacts residents’ quality of life and economic development.
Openness in Public Projects
Furthermore, Petkov stressed the importance of transparency in public projects.”citizens have the right to know how their tax money is being spent,” he stated. He called for public access to details about project costs, contracts, and progress updates. He believes that transparency will help prevent corruption and ensure that projects are executed efficiently.
Looking Ahead
Petkov’s call for election reform and infrastructure improvements reflects a growing demand for good governance and accountability in Bulgaria. The proposed transition to electronic voting aims to enhance election integrity, while addressing water shortages and promoting transparency in public projects are crucial steps towards improving the lives of Pleven’s residents.
The success of these initiatives will depend on the cooperation of all stakeholders, including the government, parliament, and civil society.
Urgent Calls for Election Reform and Infrastructure Upgrade in Pleven
Interview with Kiril Petkov, Co-chairman of “We Continue the Change”
Following a recent press conference in Pleven where he raised concerns about election integrity and infrastructure challenges, Kiril Petkov, co-chairman of the political party “We Continue the Change,” sat down with Archyde to discuss these pressing issues.
“If we close our eyes, we give up on democracy.”
– Kiril Petkov, Co-chairman of “We Continue the Change”
On the Proposed Transition to Electronic Voting
Archyde: You’ve called for a 100% transition to electronic voting machines. Can you elaborate on your reasoning and the proposed two-stage approach?
Kiril Petkov: In the last election, several hundred votes were stolen. I believe that an entire party currently exists in parliament as of the stolen vote. That’s why we need to act now. Our two-stage approach involves bringing back existing electronic machines to initially address issues with potential manipulation while building support for newer, more secure systems.
Water Shortages: A “Shocking” Issue for Pleven
Petkov also highlighted the critical issue of water shortages in pleven, a problem he described as “shocking” for a significant regional city. He questioned, “How can we attract investors if we tell them that summer has no water in this city?” He expressed surprise that the city hasn’t prioritized investments in its water network.
Transparency in Sports Hall Project
MP Bogdan Bogdanov addressed concerns about a planned sports hall project, stating that the project’s cost, nearly 4800 leva per square meter, represented a 40-50% increase. Bogdanov emphasized the need for transparent procedures in allocating funds for the project.
Call to Action
The pressing issues raised in Pleven underscore the need for decisive action in ensuring election integrity, addressing infrastructure challenges, and promoting transparent fiscal management. Citizens must actively engage in demanding solutions from their elected officials to build a more equitable and sustainable future. By advocating for reforms and holding officials accountable, residents can contribute to creating a more prosperous and secure Pleven for all.
Addressing Progress and Pressing Issues in Pleven
During a recent visit to Pleven, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov addressed several crucial issues facing the city, emphasizing the need for proactive solutions to ensure its long-term prosperity.
Water Security Concerns
Petkov acknowledged the severity of the water shortages that periodically plague Pleven, describing them as “shocking,” and highlighted the potential negative impact on economic development. “How can we attract investors if we tell them that Pleven experiences water shortages during the summer months?” he questioned. The Prime Minister stressed the urgency of a thorough plan from local authorities to invest in water infrastructure and guarantee a reliable water supply for the city’s growth.
Promoting Transparency in Public Projects
Petkov underscored the importance of transparency in all public projects, particularly those funded by taxpayer money. “Transparency is crucial, especially regarding projects that utilize public funds,” he stated, emphasizing the citizens’ right to know how their resources are being allocated. He called for meticulous planning and execution of all projects, with a particular focus on large-scale initiatives, to ensure accountability and public trust.
Call for Citizen Engagement
In his concluding remarks, Petkov urged citizens to actively participate in shaping their community’s future. “Our democracy depends on our active participation,” he emphasized. He encouraged residents to “stand up for our rights, demand accountability from our elected officials, and work collectively to create a more equitable and sustainable future.” Petkov reiterated the power of individual voices, reminding citizens that “our actions can make a difference.”
The issues raised by Petkov highlight the importance of addressing both present-day challenges and planning for long-term sustainability in urban development. The need for robust water infrastructure, transparent public spending, and active citizen engagement are crucial pillars for ensuring a thriving and prosperous future for Pleven and other Bulgarian cities.
What specific steps would “We continue the Change” take to ensure the security and reliability of electronic voting machines?
Interview with Kiril Petkov, Co-chairman of “We Continue the Change”
Following a recent press conference in Pleven where he raised concerns about election integrity and infrastructure challenges, Kiril Petkov, co-chairman of the political party “We Continue the Change,” sat down with Archyde to discuss these pressing issues.
“If we close our eyes, we give up on democracy.”
– kiril Petkov, Co-chairman of “We Continue the Change”
On the Proposed transition to electronic Voting
Archyde: You’ve called for a 100% transition to electronic voting machines. Can you elaborate on your reasoning and the proposed two-stage approach?
kiril Petkov: In the last election, several hundred votes were stolen.I believe that an entire party currently exists in parliament as of the stolen vote. That’s why we need to act now. Our two-stage approach involves bringing back existing electronic machines to initially address issues with potential manipulation while building support for newer,more secure systems.
Water Shortages: A “Shocking” Issue for Pleven
Archyde: You’ve described the water shortages in Pleven as “shocking.” How do you see this issue impacting the city’s future growth and development?
Kiril Petkov: It’s alarming that a city of Pleven’s size struggles with such a basic necessity. It sends a damaging message to potential investors. how can we attract businesses if we can’t guarantee a reliable water supply? This isn’t just about convenience; it’s about the city’s long-term viability.
Transparency in Public Projects
Archyde: You’ve emphasized the need for transparency in public projects. What specific measures would “We Continue the Change” implement to ensure citizens have access to details about how their tax money is being spent?
Kiril Petkov: We believe in open data and public access to government contracts and project details.We’ll promote online platforms where citizens can track project progress, see budget allocations, and file complaints if they suspect irregularities. This level of transparency will deter corruption and build public trust.
Looking Ahead: A Call to Action
Archyde: What message do you hope people will take away from your recent visits to Pleven?
Kiril Petkov: I want people to know that their voices matter. we need active participation in shaping the future of Pleven. Together, we can address these challenges and build a brighter future for all.