Kirchnerism’s Daring Confrontation: A Senate Clash Over SIDE Fund Authority

2024-09-12 19:55:00

After more than 24 hours of uncertainty, the Senate confirmed that debate on changes to the Single Paper Ballot (BUP) project, funding to SIDE and laws to protect university budgets will begin this Thursday at 2 p.m. The latter, if approved, could result in the National Executive Council resorting to a new presidential veto.

The issues were defined during a meeting of the Labor Party in Parliament, where the Leader of the Senate, together with the Vice-President and the Speaker of the House of Lords, Victoria Villarrealthey discussed the main points. The atmosphere of the meeting was tense, and after several twists and turns, the meeting almost turned into a mess. political battlefieldmore like a neighborhood discussion than a legislative negotiation.

Legislative sources indicate The meeting is expected to be lengthy and may even last into the early hours of the morning.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Elisa Carrió admits her role in Mauricio Macri and Javier Milei’s SIDE funding dispute: “It was me”

16:37 Senate debate begins on single paper ballot

The Senate begins debate on the project seeking to implement a single paper ballot (BUP). This comes after a round of widespread privilege questions. At the beginning, radicalism, together with Kirchnerism, dealt a heavy blow to the government by bringing the Democratic Unity Party into its fold.

16:00 Parilli files motion against Victoria Villaruel

Senator Oscar Parrilli of the Patriotic Union presented a priority motion to the body’s president, Victoria Villarruel, who a few weeks ago organized a memorial to the victims of terrorism Activity.

Parilli accused the vice president of questioning the “democratic convention” when she said she would open “all cases that have been closed for more than 20 years” against armed guerrillas in the 1970s. “To say so represents a disdain for the division of power, as if the position of vice president allows her to bring judicial cases,” the senator said.

However, a motion to dismiss Villaruel was defeated in the vote. Parilli insisted: “All three authorities have said these matters should be adjudicated by the criminal justice system and in many cases they have been sentenced but some have been pardoned.”

14:30 Activism and Kirchnerism manage to incorporate the handling of SIDE funds

Like Maya, Senator Eduaro Vischi (UCR) asked for the inclusion of the treatment of DNU 656/24 at the end of the session. In this sense, his colleagues from the Kirchner party supported the motion and called for a vote on the proposal of the Corrientes legislator: “We do not refuse to withdraw the processing of the norm, we only ask for the inclusion of 656, which is in line with the maintenance of It’s the same as what Ski said.”

In this way, the radicals and Senator Kirchner succeeded in bringing into the conference the issue of the disposal of funds reserved for SIDE, an issue that had already been rejected in the House of Representatives.

The government therefore failed to postpone its attempts to postpone the issue, as stipulated in yesterday’s parliamentary working session minutes, which were not signed by the Kirchnerist and UCR groups. In this sense, the ruling party had proposed a “secret meeting” next week, but now this proposal will be abandoned because the Senate is preparing to abolish the Democratic National Committee and the House of Representatives has also rejected this proposal.

14:21 José Mayans asks DNU to deal with SIDE funds

Senator José Luis Mayanz (Unión por la Patria) requested that the DNU approval related to the National Intelligence Secretariat (SIDE) be included in the processing, in addition to the single vote and university financing projects.

“Yesterday they asked us to hold a secret meeting. We disagreed. First of all, because we live in an era where the president summons representatives, uses extreme persuasion, and changes their votes within 24 hours. This is an era where people are suspicious of corruption. “,debate.

“Obviously we talked about a secret meeting [no]more talking about a hundred billion pesos cost and a minister who is good at hitting the defenseless people…there is no way we are willing to do that. We want to discuss DNU today,” he added.

14:17 Senate meeting begins

After 2 p.m., the meeting begins in the Senate where items to renew and protect the University’s budget until the end of the year will be discussed, as well as initiatives seeking to implement a single paper ballot (BUP) as a new method of voting in elections. 2025 legislation.

The agenda for the new parliamentary Labor conference was set out yesterday with the DNU, which provided millionaire funding to SIDE, being dropped from the original plans. However, Kirchnerism will insist on being discussed in the House of Representatives. A two-thirds vote is needed to include it, so senators from groups aligned with the ruling party should be added.

senate meeting

The House of Roses yesterday canceled the implementation of the SIDE decree and called for a special secret meeting to report on its scope and details.

Single Paper Ballot Item

One of the central issues is the single paper ballot, which must be returned to the House for approval. second review before February, the date it loses its parliamentary status. The goal is to promote institutional change related to the electoral system. The model chosen will be the one from Mendoza, not the one from Córdoba. Both systems are similar, but the first system is better suited to the consensus between the ruling party and the dialogue party because it allows for a clearer arrangement of positions and parties on the ballot.

The project was facilitated by a printing model provided by the government to the Entre Rios state senator, Edgardo Quadel,President Constitutional Affairs Committeehe prepared the final text and delivered it to other legislators. However, the project was put at risk due to misgivings from activist groups, which ultimately decided to support the measure after discussing compensation. retirement fund Without transfer to the state, this is an issue that creates tension.

senate meeting

The BUP needs an absolute majority of 37 votes to be approved, complicating Villarruel’s chances of reaching a runoff. Dialogue Opposition and ruling parties are evenly matched, making voting a real challenge, especially as the presence from senators remains uncertain freedom and progress. Furthermore, the BUP will not allow the option of voting for a full list at the general election, key sequence Some senators eventually tipped the scales in favor of the Mendoza model.

Victoria Villarruel activates control of Senate attendance by using digital fingerprints

university budget items

Another focus of the debate is university budgets. according to Congressional Budget Office (OPC), the plan ensures salary restructuring for teachers and non-teaching staff from December 1, 2023, with an estimated impact of US$738.595 billion, equivalent to 0.14% of GDP. The opposition sees this as the minimum necessary to keep the university functioning, while some pro-government sectors have expressed concerns about the financial impact.

The opposition parties as a whole set aside the arguments of the ruling party and tried to Stop measuresarguing for excessive spending. If the bill passes, it could gain the necessary two-thirds of seats in the Senate, which would force the president Javier Miley evaluate a new veto.

Government spends over P75 million to provide delicious breakfast at Olivos and Casa Rosada

Patricia Burridge

DNU and Intelligence Fund

Finally, the debate on the distribution of millionaire funds by the DNU to the Intelligence Secretariat has been postponed until next week. Ahead of the parliamentary Labor Party meeting, the executive has asked secret meeting discuss this issue and hear what the Minister of Security has to say, Patricia Burridgeand the Minister of Intelligence, Sergio Neifertexplaining the details of the decree.

There is no consensus on this issue; Criticism of Kirchnerism Some activists caused his treatment to be delayed. While they could try to continue the debate tomorrow, they need two thirds of the vote put it on the table, something The Motherland Alliance may not support. Due to the absence of some key figures from the opposition, The ruling party has the opportunity to turn the chips in its favor.


#Senate #debate #Radicalism #Kirchnerism #deal #blow #government #seeks #DNU #handle #SIDE #funds

What are the key reform bills ‍being debated in Argentina’s Senate amid protests and‌ uncertainty?

Argentina’s ⁤Senate Debates Key Reform Bills Amidst Protests and Uncertainty

The Argentine Senate has confirmed the start of debates on several key⁤ reform bills, including the Single Paper Ballot (BUP) project, funding for the National Intelligence Secretariat (SIDE), and laws to protect‌ university budgets. The debates are expected to be lengthy and may last into the early hours of the morning [[1]].

The decision to begin debate comes after a tense ‌meeting between the Labor Party in Parliament, where the Leader of the Senate, Vice-President, and Speaker of the House of Lords discussed the main points. The atmosphere of the meeting‌ was described as a “political battlefield” ⁣rather than a legislative negotiation [[1]].

Meanwhile, Senator José Luis Mayanz has requested that the DNU approval related to SIDE be included ⁣in the processing, along with the single vote and university financing projects. Mayanz expressed concerns about the government’s attempts to postpone the issue, citing suspicions of ‌corruption and the need for transparency [[1]].

However, the government’s efforts to reform ⁢the economy have faced significant opposition. In March, the Senate rejected President Javier Milei’s‍ sprawling “mega decree” of economic reforms, which aimed to slash state spending and boost the president’s powers [[3]].

Despite ‌this setback, Milei has continued‍ to ⁢push for economic reforms. In June, the Senate narrowly approved his plan to ‍slash state spending and boost his own powers [[2]].

The current‍ debate comes amidst protests and uncertainty, with many Argentinians expressing concerns about the direction of the country. The practice of professional and ⁣critical journalism, which​ is essential for a healthy democracy, is seen as a fundamental pillar of democracy, and its erosion is⁤ a cause for ‍concern [[1]].

In a separate development, ‌Elisa Carrió has admitted her role in Mauricio Macri and Javier Milei’s SIDE funding dispute, saying “it was me” ⁣ [[1]]. The controversy highlights the complex web‍ of political‌ alliances and rivalries in Argentina, where individual politicians often⁤ hold significant sway over policy decisions.

As ⁤the debate continues, Argentinians‍ will be watching closely to see ⁣how the government’s reform plans unfold. Will the Senate approve the key reform bills, or will they face further ⁣opposition? One thing is clear: the stakes are high, ⁢and the outcome will have significant implications for the country’s future.







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