Kirby and the Forgotten World: our video test between Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Odyssey

Game News Kirby and the Forgotten World: our video test between Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Odyssey

Kirby is getting a bit of a makeover by finally moving to real 3D. Nintendo has thus dropped its 2D platforms to offer us more open and varied levels. As you will have understood, this new opus is more ambitious and more complete. It comes out on March 25 exclusively on Nintendo Switch and the least we can say is that the game is highly anticipated. After all, Nintendo’s promises are enough to make this Kirby look like the ultimate opus of the license. But is this really the case?

Pre-order Kirby and the Forgotten World on Amazon


Kirby chez les Waddle Dee

While Kirby was leading his quiet little life on Planet Pop, he was sucked into a strange black hole towards the Forgotten World. And he does not have time to say phew, that he is already propelled into a new adventure once morest an evil entity. The Waddle Dees of this world need him to find their comrades and rid their lands of this evil.

A successful transition to 3D

Want color? Well you will be served. The Forgotten World has this little childish and colorful side that makes your eyes shine. Whether you are more into green plains, large expanses of sea or post-apocalyptic city like The Last of Us, you will be served. There is something for everyone and no level is like the previous one. So yes, the pronounced aliasing stings the eyes a little, but overall the game is beautiful and makes you want to get lost. Technically the only point that really makes you cringe is the 30 FPS. Indeed, Kirby drags the dough a bit, and it can be quite frustrating at times. But otherwise, this transition to 3D is more than successful, both in terms of graphics and gameplay.

The encounter between Kirby and Super Mario 3D World

We immediately stop your big dreams of Kirby in the open world at the Super Mario Odyssey. With its central hub and linear levels, the title is closer than a Super Mario 3D World. It is therefore not as open as one might think. But this small disappointment has little weight in the face of the mastery shown by Nintendo. The levels are rhythmic, varied and pleasant to discover through traditional Kirby gameplay, very well adapted to 3D.

The latter still had the right to a small facelift with the arrival of Transmorphism. This ability allows Kirby to encompass certain objects in order to use them to unlock a new path or attack his enemies. In addition to the transition to 3D, this is THE big novelty of this opus. And she is particularly well brought. The transformations are surprising and complicate Kirby’s gameplay on all levels. And the discovery of these lasts until the very end of the game. We thus obtain a surprising title from start to finish that does not fall into weariness and excessive repetition.

But Kirby does not give up his traditional gifts of imitation. We find emblematic powers of the license. Sword strikes and throwing bombs are indeed part of the game. Something new: you can upgrade these powers in the Waddle Dee Armory. They will thus become more powerful but above all different, just to vary the gameplay a little. But this Kirby doesn’t just make new out of old.

There are indeed two new exclusive powers. The Drill and the Explorer make their entrance and it feels good. The first is particularly well thought out and allows you to explore new horizons of gameplay. You will have understood, in terms of transformation, this Kirby is halfway between tradition and novelty. And the developers have found the right balance to speak to fans of the license as well as neophytes.

But what are these powers for? Well if they will allow you to unlock certain passages, it is above all a means of defending yourself once morest your attackers, and in particular the bosses. You will meet small ones over the levels, but it is especially the end of the world bosses that interest us. Don’t expect hours of tryhard like in Elden Ring. It’s a Kirby and the difficulty is not very high, even in Hurricane Mode. The bosses are not without interest, but if you are looking for challenges, this is not where you will find them, or at least not at first. Kirby is a game that is also aimed at children, and it shows.

A game for children?

Same thing for the scenario, moreover, which has this little childish side that might annoy more than one. The story is also quite classic and without great narrative stakes. Nevertheless, the main frame is still humorous and even surprisingly surprising.

As complete as Super Mario Odyssey?

To overcome it, note that you will need regarding ten hours. And yes, Kirby obliges, it is a fairly short game. Nevertheless, you can double down by exploring the extensive content of Kirby and the Forgotten World. First of all, there are the missions which invite you to restart a level and explore it from top to bottom to get 100%. And then each world is also filled with alternate levels, called the “Treasure Routes”. Timed challenges exploiting the specificities of each power, they can sometimes be a bit tough. What a change of scenery and punctuate the gaming experience a little more between two main levels.

But that’s not all ! The village of Waddle Dee has many things to show you, in addition to the armory. Between the shops, the vending machines and the erudite Waddle Dee, you will have plenty of little things to discover to get you closer to 100% (or just the end of the game). The village is also the perfect place to take a short break with various mini-games. Certainly, they do not revolutionize much but are still quite nice. And if you want to hit even more bosses, head to the Coliseum to face your enemies once more in the chain.

Also note that the game has a local co-op mode. But it is aimed more at parents wishing to accompany their children during the adventure. Indeed, with two, the game becomes much too easy for regular players. Nevertheless, for this use, the coop works well and the Bandana Waddle Dee even offers a little more interesting gameplay than a Cappy for example. But unfortunately he remains very little free of his movements.

Best Kirby?

Kirby and the Forgotten World is THE big surprise of this end of the month, and it feels good. Kirby regains his letters of nobility and comes to titillate the giants of Nintendo. For a first real transition to 3D, the result is quite stunning. The game is certainly a little short and easy, but otherwise it ticks almost all the boxes. Fun, rhythmic and surprising, it is difficult to let go of this colorful universe once the console is in your hands. For sure Kirby has finally found THE right formula to become one of the new consumer references in video games. And that’s why it fully deserves its excellent 17 out of 20.

Pre-order Kirby and the Forgotten World on Amazon

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