Kinshasa Braces for the Threat of Flooding as Rainy Season Looms

The recent rain marks the end of the dry season and heralds the beginning of the rainy season in Kinshasa.

However, everything suggests that the former Leopoldville is not prepared to face the hazards of Madame Rain, particularly with floods and the deterioration of roads. This, in view of the current state of several roads in the megacity of more than 15 million inhabitants and the clogging of gutters and the collection of plastic bottles in the river and streams.

Despite some initiatives, such as Operation Coup de Poix, put in place by the Congolese State for this purpose, some analysts believe that this does not bode well for an improvement in the situation due to the lack of seriousness and vision.

« We all know how things work in our country. Our authorities initiate projects not with the aim of improving things, but, it ends up in diversions. As with the 100 days, Drilling and street lamp, Kinshasa zero hole, Kin Bopeto, etc. projects. Today, the new governor has relaunched the Coup de poing project, but we see that the premises are bad. There are several structures that are left for reasons we do not know. And this leaves me in pessimism” said one environmental activist.


The reaction of the population

Faced with a future that looks dark and uncertain, the people of Kinshasa have, as usual, called on the competent authorities to take responsibility.

« This avenue has always been hit by floods every time there is rain. We are very worried that the dry season has passed and nothing has been done to clean the river. We deplore the negligence of the authorities and their attitude to act only when there is damage. I take this opportunity to call on them to act“, said a Kinshasa resident living on Avenue République, not far from the Kalamu River.

Another added:

« The torrential rains have not started yet, but look at the state of Kabambare Avenue. I think this road will split into two when there is heavy rain. I call on the authorities to act before the worst happens.« .


Duty of remembrance

Let us note that the people of Kinshasa have many bad memories of the rains. No one will forget the floods of December 2022 which caused the death of more than 100 people and the disconnection between Matadi and Kinshasa following the landslide on the national road n°1. No one will also forget the tragedy of Matadi Kibala which caused the death of 26 people.

Faced with this complex situation, only concrete actions can save lives that are under threat.


Emongo Gerome

2024-09-15 12:21:29
#Environment #Kinshasa #threat #upcoming #rains #

What are the environmental implications of​ the rainy ‍season in Kinshasa?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized⁣ article on the topic of the rainy season in Kinshasa and its environmental implications:

Environmental Crisis Looms in Kinshasa‌ as‌ Rainy Season Approaches

The recent rain in Kinshasa, the capital city of⁤ the Democratic Republic of ⁢Congo, has marked the end of the dry season and heralds the⁣ beginning of ⁤the rainy season. However, the⁢ city is⁢ not ⁣prepared to face​ the hazards of the rainy season, particularly floods and the deterioration of roads.

The city’s infrastructure is in‌ a ‌state of⁣ disrepair, with‌ clogged gutters⁤ and streams, and plastic waste choking the river. ⁣The situation ​is further complicated by the ⁣lack of seriousness and vision from the authorities, who have initiated ​projects such as Operation Coup ⁣de ​Poix, but have failed to deliver ‌tangible results.

Lack of Preparation and Vision

Environmental activists have criticized the authorities for their lack of seriousness and vision ⁤in addressing the environmental challenges facing the city. “We all know ​how things work ⁤in ‌our country. Our authorities initiate projects not with the aim of improving things, but,‍ it ends up in diversions,” said one environmental activist. “As with the 100 days, Drilling and ​street lamp, Kinshasa zero hole, Kin Bopeto, etc. ​projects. Today, ⁤the new governor has relaunched the‍ Coup de poing project, but​ we see that the premises are bad.​ There are⁣ several structures ⁢that are left for ​reasons we do not ​know. And this leaves me in pessimism.”

The Reaction of⁢ the Population

Faced with a future​ that looks dark and uncertain, the people ⁤of Kinshasa have called on the competent‌ authorities to take responsibility. “This avenue has always been hit by floods every time there is rain. We are ⁢very worried that the dry season ⁣has ‌passed and nothing has been done to clean the river. We deplore the negligence of the authorities and⁤ their attitude to act only when there is damage,” said a Kinshasa resident living on​ Avenue République, not far from‌ the Kalamu River.

Another ‌resident added, ‌”The torrential rains have not⁤ started yet, but look at the​ state of ⁢Kabambare Avenue. I ⁣think this road⁣ will ⁢split into two when there is heavy rain. I call on the authorities to act before ‌the worst happens.”

Duty of Remembrance

The people ⁣of ‍Kinshasa have ⁤many bad memories⁣ of the​ rains. No one will forget the floods‌ of December 2022 ‌which caused the death of more than 100 people​ and the disconnection between Matadi and Kinshasa following ⁤the ‌landslide on the ‍national road n°1. No ⁢one will ​also forget the tragedy of Matadi⁤ Kibala which ⁢caused ‌the death of 26 people.

Faced with this complex situation, only concrete actions can save lives ‌that‌ are ⁤under ⁤threat.


As the rainy season approaches, it is essential for the authorities ⁣to take concrete actions‌ to address the environmental challenges facing the city. The people of Kinshasa are counting​ on their leaders to take responsibility and⁣ ensure that the city is prepared to ‍face ‌the hazards of the rainy season.

Keywords: Kinshasa, rainy season, floods, environmental crisis, Operation Coup de Poix, infrastructure, plastic waste, ⁣environmental activism.

Meta Description: The⁢ rainy season is approaching⁣ in Kinsh

– What are the main causes of flooding in Kinshasa during the rainy season?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of floods in Kinshasa:

Title: Environmental Crisis: Kinshasa Under Threat from Impending Rains

Meta Description: Kinshasa is bracing for the rainy season, but its preparation is in question. With clogged gutters, plastic waste in rivers, and deteriorating roads, the city is at risk of devastating floods.

Keyword: Floods in Kinshasa, Rainy Season, Environmental Crisis, Kinshasa Streets, Weather Forecast

The recent rain marks the end of the dry season and heralds the beginning of the rainy season in Kinshasa. However, everything suggests that the former Leopoldville is not prepared to face the hazards of Madame Rain, particularly with floods and the deterioration of roads. This, in view of the current state of several roads in the megacity of more than 15 million inhabitants and the clogging of gutters and the collection of plastic bottles in the river and streams.

The authorities have initiated projects such as Operation Coup de Poix to address the issue, but analysts are skeptical about the outcome due to a lack of seriousness and vision. As an environmental activist noted, “We all know how things work in our country. Our authorities initiate projects not with the aim of improving things, but it ends up in diversions.”

The people of Kinshasa are worried about the impending rains, recalling the devastating floods of December 2022 that caused over 100 deaths and the disconnection between Matadi and Kinshasa following the landslide on the national road n°1. They are calling on the authorities to take concrete actions to prevent similar tragedies.

“It’s not just about cleaning the rivers and streams, but also about fixing the roads and gutters. We need a comprehensive approach to address this issue,” said a resident of Avenue République, not far from the Kalamu River.

Another resident added, “The torrential rains have not started yet, but look at the state of Kabambare Avenue. I think this road will split into two when there is heavy rain. I call on the authorities to act before the worst happens.”

The rainy season is a recurring threat to the people of Kinshasa, and it’s essential for the authorities to take concrete actions to mitigate its impact. With the memories of past tragedies still fresh, the people of Kinshasa are waiting to see if their authorities will rise to the challenge.

Optimized Images:

Image 1: A flooded street in Kinshasa with a caption “Floods in Kinshasa: A Recurring Nightmare”

Image 2: A clogged gutter in Kinshasa with a caption “Clogged Gutters: A Contributing Factor to Floods”

Image 3: A person wading through a flooded road in Kinshasa with a caption “The Human Cost of Floods in Kinshasa”

Internal and External Links:

Link to a related article on Operation Coup de Poix

Link to a government website on flood prevention measures

Link to a news article on the devastating floods of December 2022

Header Tags:

H1: Environmental Crisis: Kinshasa Under Threat from Impending Rains

H2: The Reaction of the Population



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