Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road is the latest announcement from Square Enix that the mobile game in the Kingdom Hearts series can now be played offline.

Monday, August 29, 2022, 16:13, 18 seconds, Indochina time

It’s been regarding 4 months since Square Enix celebrated the 20th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts game series RPG famous through online events Japanese companies not only disclose Trailer exciting for Kingdom Hearts 4 not only but also giving updates on mobile game titles. Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road now Square Enix It has fulfilled its promise to deliver a story ending for a mobile game this month. while making Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road Offline version available for download.

Square Enix has announced the closure of the game Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road Gone 1 year ago since then. There are only a few updates to the game. And the release date of the game’s story ending as well as the release of the offline version has been postponed several times. Dark Road and Kingdom Hearts preceding part Union X still part of the series RPG of Dark Seeker and has an important relationship with the main storyline Kingdom Hearts This may be the reason Square Enix It was decided to make both games available through the offline version of the game.

in the above post Twitter latest Square Enix shared that Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road The offline version is now available for download on both devices. iOS and Android This update also comes with the final story update for Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road According to the version history of the game in Apple Store Version 5.0.0 will be officially discontinued. And players may lower their expectations of company support for the recently released offline version.

Comment of some fans in the announcement of Twitter Ask how they will access the offline version of the game. or have to restart the game progress Unfortunately Square Enix Instructions on how to keep player progress intact when Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road Switch to offline version Although there are old posts telling players not to delete apps on their devices to save data.

when Square Enix has prepared for a new mobile game in the series Kingdom Hearts at Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link It is understandable that the team would rather focus on the new game. Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road And although the offline version of the game may no longer be supported by the team. But access to the game and its story even following the end of the service should be appreciated by both new and old fans of the series. Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road Now available offline on your device. iOS and Android

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