King Sir is overwhelmed│One way to solve the trouble of buying and falling (Ye Jingqiang)

Some buyers are surprised that if they don’t buy today, it will be more expensive in the future, but when they enter the market now, they are surprised that the market is only a reflection of the past, and it will fall immediately following buying.

First of all, the author would like to wish all readers an auspicious Year of the Rabbit and a smooth investment! At the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit, the property market is full of vigor and vitality. The top ten housing estates have seen a sharp increase in transactions. It is estimated that more buyers will enter the market following the Lunar New Year, and the transaction transactions will further increase.

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Since the relaxation of anti-epidemic policies in China, the market expects that the economic and trade exchanges between the two places will gradually return to normal, which will lead to the improvement of Hong Kong’s economy this year. In addition, they expect that mainland funds will flow into the market once more. Several leading real estate agents are very optimistic regarding this year’s property market. The best is even more Property prices are expected to surge by 15%.

However, some multinational agency banks and investment banks disagree, believing that the global economy is likely to enter a recession this year. The United States continues to raise interest rates, and interest rates have not yet peaked. In addition, developers have a large backlog of inventory. It is estimated that property prices will fall by 10% in the worst case this year. %.

One word goes up and the other goes down, both sides have their own reasons, so many buyers don’t know which one is better. Some buyers are afraid that if they don’t buy today, it will be more expensive in the future, but now they are shocked when they enter the market. There are still rows. However, the market generally believes that Hong Kong’s economy will gradually improve following the epidemic, and it is expected that the United States will begin to cut interest rates at the end of this year or early next year, and the property market will get rid of the downturn.

Payment during the construction period avoids expensive interest

If you are really worried that the property price will fall as soon as you buy it, and you will be surprised by the high interest rate, but you believe that the property price will be higher than today in two or three years, the author recommends you a high-yield plan-that is, use the “construction period payment method” buy a new building”.

Last year, property prices fell sharply due to the epidemic and the crazy interest rate hike in the United States. It was very difficult for developers to sell properties. There were 7,064 unsold units and unsold units. Including the projects planned for sale this year, a total of 29,722 units were involved. Therefore, the developer must be very cautious and conservative when launching the project in the first quarter. It is estimated that the first two price lists will be launched close to or even lower than the second-hand price. As long as you can draw, you will have a high chance of winning. And even if it is really unfortunate that the market will drop as soon as the contract is signed, it will be a few years or two years later (at the end of 24 or early 25) when you take over the property. The whole market should have rebounded a lot.

On the other hand, because it is still in the interest rate hike cycle, it is estimated that the Federal Reserve will still raise interest rates by 0.5 to 0.75% within this year, and there is a high chance that Hong Kong banks will follow suit. If you buy a second-hand building today, you will have to pay high interest in 3 months, but if you buy a new building today, and if you choose the construction period payment plan, when you take over the building, it will already be a few years old After the next year, I believe the interest rate has dropped a lot, so you can avoid the pain of high interest rate.

But you need to pay attention to one thing before you make a move. If you choose the construction period payment plan to buy a new building, you must ensure that you will still have a job and pay for it following a few years. Otherwise, the bank will not approve the mortgage loan to you. at the meeting.

Ye Jingqiang (King Sir)

This column is published every other Tuesday



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