King Charles: Red carpet welcome in Samoa – Royal tour continues

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On October 23, the King, 75, and the Queen, 77, disembarked from their plane for the second leg of their working trip and were received by Prime Minister Afioga Fiamē Naomi Mataʻafa.

After meeting several dignitaries, the royal couple stood at attention as the United Kingdom’s National Anthem, ‘God Save The King’, was played. Charles then inspected the Guard of Honour, which, like the ceremonial music, was provided by the Samoan Police Force.

It was afternoon in Samoa when they arrived, so there was only time for an official engagement for the King — a 20-minute meeting with the Prime Minister, which took place at the airport and likely included a brief discussion about the next few days.

The royal couple are on the Pacific island for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in the coming days and the country has chosen ‘A Resilient Shared Future’ as its theme. It focuses on identifying practical ways to build environmental, economic, social and democratic resilience across the Commonwealth (the family of 56 nations closely linked to the UK).

The Samoa stop comes during a nine-day tour of Australia and Samoa, which kicked off in Sydney last Friday, October 18. The King and Queen’s time in Australia is considered a royal visit, while their stay in the independent state of Samoa is a state visit. The Australian leg was historic as King Charles’ first foreign royal tour since his accession in September 2022, and the royal tour itself is his most significant international trip since Buckingham Palace announced he was diagnosed with cancer.

King Charles is head of state in Australia, which is one of 14 kingdoms officially connected to the British Crown beyond the United Kingdom, while his relationship with Samoa is a little different. The King heads the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of 56 nations of which Samoa is a part, and a highlight of the visit there will be his appearance at the 2024 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).

On Monday, an Australian senator accused him of genocide after he spoke in Parliament, telling the BBC he was “not from this country”.

Lydia Thorpe, an Aboriginal Australian, interrupted the ceremony in the capital Canberra by shouting for about a minute before the security escort.

After making claims of genocide against “our people”, he was heard shouting: “This is not your land, you are not my king”.

But Aboriginal elder Aunty Violet Sheridan, who had earlier welcomed the King and Queen, said Thorpe’s protest was “disrespectful”, adding: “She doesn’t speak for me”.

The ceremony ended without any mention of the incident and the royal couple met hundreds of people waiting outside to greet them.

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#King #Charles #Red #carpet #Samoa #Royal #tour #continues
It ‍looks like you've provided a snippet of JavaScript code that is related to ad management, likely for a website using Google Ad⁤ Manager (formerly DFP) along with⁢ other advertising networks like Google ⁤AdSense and possibly custom scripts for‍ different ad services.

Here's a brief overview of the main components of this code:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions: The code uses ‍the googletag namespace to define various ad slots (e.g., inline1,‌ inreadvideo, sidebar1) with different size mappings based on​ the layout ‌(mobile or desktop). It sets targeting parameters like pageType, category, and articleid.
  1. Ad Loading: The displaySlot function is called for⁢ each defined​ ad slot to render the ads in the specified ​positions⁤ on ⁢the webpage.
  1. AdSense Management: There’s a conditional‍ check for mobile vs. desktop to remove irrelevant AdSense ads based on the user's device, ensuring​ a tailored experience.
  1. Third-party Script Initialization: The code⁢ includes placeholders for initializing other services⁢ like Phaistos Adman and OneSignal, which likely relate to ad management and push notifications respectively.
  1. Disqus Integration: There's a configuration for Disqus comments, pointing to the specific article ‍based on‍ its identifier.
  1. Commented‍ Code and Placeholder Functions:‍ There are several‌ sections of commented-out code and placeholders ⁤for asynchronous loading scripts, which suggests that this script may be modular, allowing for easy addition or modification of ad⁣ providers.
  1. Error Handling and ‌Fallbacks: It appears ‌that ⁢measures have been considered for fallback or async operations, though full implementation appears to be in the completion of the commented asynchronous ⁣loading scripts.

This structure is common in ads-focused JavaScript for ‌web⁤ development, aiming to provide a smooth and optimal ad display‍ while integrating various services seamlessly. If you have ​specific questions or need further explanation on certain parts of the code or its functionality, feel‌ free⁣ to ask!







if (!window.isMobile) {




// Article/Post


// Common




/ --- OCM auto-setup ---

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// targeting here



// Google AdSense

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// Phaistos Adman




// OneSignal

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OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


appId: "487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab",



// Disqus

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config = function() {" = 1549763;



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s = d.createElement('script');


s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());

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}, 3000);

function cmpActionCompleted() {

// OCM & DFP





// CleverCore

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var a, c = document.createElement("script"); = "CleverCoreLoader57097";

c.src = "

c.async = !0;

c.type = "text/javascript";


c.setAttribute("data-callback", "put-your-callback-macro-here");

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a = parent.document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0] || document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];

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a = !1;


a || (a = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]);

a.parentNode.insertBefore(c, a);

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// Taboola/Project Agora



// For Google AdSense

if (document.querySelectorAll('.adsbygoogle').length) {



// Phaistos Adman


// Glomex

if (document.querySelectorAll('glomex-integration').length) {



}, 2000);


// Dalecta

setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(' 800);

// Vidoomy


// Weather

setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(' 1000);


// Facebook Pixel

!function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {

if (f.fbq) return;

n = f.fbq = function() {

n.callMethod ? n.callMethod.apply(n, arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments)


if (!f.fbq) f.fbq = n;

n.push = n.loaded = !0;

n.version = '2.0';

n.queue = [];

t = b.createElement(e);

t.async = !0;

t.src = v;

s = b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];

s.parentNode.insertBefore(t, s)

}(window, document, 'script', '

fbq('init', '618972382017166');

fbq('track', 'PageView');


// OneSignal

setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(' 5000);


// Microsoft Clarity

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// Yandex Metrica

(function(m,e,t,r,i,k,a){m[i]=m[i]||function(){(m[i].a=m[i].a||[]).push(arguments)};m[i].l=1*new Date();for(var j=0;j

Overview of the Components:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions: The JavaScript code utilizes the googletag library to define various ad slots including inline ads, sidebar ads, and post-related ads. The slots are conditionally shown based on whether the user is on a mobile device or desktop.
  1. Ad Loading: The displaySlot function is used to render ads in predefined positions throughout the webpage, ensuring the advertisements are correctly placed based on the layout.
  1. Google AdSense Handling: The code differentiates between mobile and desktop views by removing inappropriate AdSense ads. It also checks for the presence of ads and potentially loads additional scripts that pertain to AdSense.
  1. OneSignal Integration: This segment sets up OneSignal for push notifications, utilizing asynchronous loading for better performance.
  1. Disqus Comments Integration: A configuration for Disqus is included, allowing comments on the posts, with script loading set to delay for 3 seconds after the initial load.
  1. Asynchronous Script Loading: The code features many calls to asyncLoadScript, designed for dynamically loading various advertising scripts, which can help in improving the loading times of the main content.
  1. Additional Tracking and Analytics: This includes placeholders for integrating several analytics/marketing solutions like Facebook Pixel, Microsoft Clarity, and Yandex Metrica, each set to load after certain time delays.
  1. Placeholder Comments: There are several commented-out placeholders for other potential integrations (e.g., CleverCore, Taboola), indicating that the original developer intended for scalability and flexibility in ad management and tracking.

This modular approach effectively manages advertisements and tracking tools while maintaining optimized load times for user experiences.

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