Kindergarten trade union younion: Thank you for your great work!

Municipal employees also fill in for bankrupt kindergartens on weekends

Vienna (OTS) Due to the bankruptcy of “Minibambini” in Vienna, around 800 children no longer have a place in kindergarten for a short time, and dozens of employees lose their jobs. “Once again, it is municipal employees who have to step in at very short notice because a private facility has crumbled. Even today, on Sunday, my colleagues are working to organize places in other kindergartens. I would like to thank you for that,” says Judith Hintermeier, herself a teacher and federal women’s officer in the kindergarten trade union younion.

Manfred Obermüller, Chairman of Main Group 1 in younion _ Die Daseinsgewerkschaft: “I also expect politicians to appreciate this commitment. Because our colleagues now have to pay for things that went wrong elsewhere. I also don’t understand how a daily newspaper can call the head of Municipal Department 10 ‘Punch of the week’. I expect comprehensive research and no populist dirt-bin journalism.”

The municipal employees are also there for the employees of the bankrupt kindergarten. A special hotline was set up to get them new jobs. Judith Hintermeier: “Anyone who changes to community service has a secure job with opportunities for further training and advancement. I invite all those affected to form their own opinion.”

Manfred Obermüller concludes: “The kindergarten is the first stage of education for a child. It’s not about mere support, but about targeted support. The public sector guarantees clear standards and has fantastic staff. Even on Sundays, if need be. But it must not be the case that municipal employees are handed the buck if a private kindergarten messes up again.”

Questions & contact:

younion _ The existential union
Department for Communication and Public Relations.
T: (01) 313 16 – 83 615

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