Instead, they are calling for a mandatory childcare expansion plan for states and municipalities. They want to regulate this in a 15a agreement. In the event of non-compliance, there will be sanctions for the states. The Greens are also not ruling out a general transfer of powers to the federal government, as family spokeswoman Barbara Neßler explained to the APA.
At the moment, families are the ones who suffer when municipalities and states refuse to expand childcare, said Neßler: “I have been hearing for decades that childcare should be expanded, but we are not making any progress.” This means that precisely what the ÖVP always preaches, but for which it shows little commitment, is not possible: freedom of choice. If there are no adequate offers, women have no choice but to stay at home. And that has nothing to do with voluntariness.
“Every parent has the right to decide how they want to shape their lives”
Everyone benefits from the expansion of childcare, the Green Party stressed, “not just grandma”. Because: “Every family, every woman, every parent has the right to decide for themselves how they want to live their lives.” The Green Party is therefore sticking to its demand for a legal right to a childcare place from the first year of life. The ÖVP, with Family Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP), is currently responsible for the issue. But this will also be one of the most important tasks for the next federal government, stressed Neßler.