Kim Yeon-kyung, traveling to LA for personal training … “I will come back in good health”

Kim Yeon-kyung, volleyball player. Provided by the agency Ryan@

‘Volleyball Empress’ Kim Yeon-kyung (34, photo) left for Los Angeles, California, USA for personal training.

According to her agency Ryan At, on the 4th, Kim Yeon-kyung departed for LA via Incheon International Airport for training.

Kim Yeon-kyung plans to conduct skill training and personalized fitness training during the battery training period.

Kim Yeon-kyung said, “As a player, I decided to train all the time in order to always maintain my best performance and show a good image.

Kim Yeon-kyung, who played in Shanghai, China in the 2021-2022 season, returned to Korea following living in China in early January.

Since then, he has been thinking regarding where he will go, taking a break and personal training, but has not yet decided where he will spend next season.

If they choose to return to the domestic league, they will have to sign a contract with Heungkuk Life, which has the right to withhold.

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]



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