Kim says goodbye: – It was fun going out of the garden gate

Exactly five months ago, we could tell that he had put his well-known allotment garden in Aalborg up for sale.

It has been five months since the allotment was put up for sale. Archive photo: Lars Pauli

And now there is news – because on Monday evening the papers were signed, and thus Kim Bønlykke and his wife Angelina have said goodbye to a house and an association that has played a big role in their lives.

– It was very strange to go out the garden gate one last time and know we couldn’t just turn around and go back in, he says.

Remember to talk to each other

Jørgen Berthelsen’s memory became known in the TV documentary The Ballad of the Colony Garden, where we got to know Finn, Kim and all the others on a first-name basis.

It was idyll mixed with drama, as the whole of Denmark was able to follow the life and conflicts among the residents earlier this year.

And Kim Bønlykke also comes with a little song.

A peaceful free space and the many friendships. Kim Bønlykke and his wife Angelina will miss that, now that they no longer own the colony garden. Archive photo: Lars Pauli

– I am most happy to get rid of the gossip that is sometimes in the colony garden. There has probably always been a bit of a hernia, but it has become more obvious with social media, he says.

-It has become very easy to sit down at the keys and scold instead of doing it face to face. But as the documentary also showed, there was only unrest among a small group out there.

So his call is clear:

– Remember to talk to each other and ask questions instead of just forming your own opinions, so the colony garden is a nice place to be for everyone, he says

– A new board has also arrived, and it is doing a good job.

A peaceful free space

The reason for the sale is that Kim Bønlykke and his wife have bought a house in Aalborg.

– I can’t stand having to look after two gardens, says 51-year-old Kim Bønlykke, who is a teacher.

– And then I have started a management course, which also takes time.

There are certainly several things he will miss, now that he has said goodbye to the 44 square meters of idyll with the well-kept garden and the greenhouse.

Kim Bønlykke and his wife Angelina have sold the allotment garden because they have moved from an apartment to a house. And can’t take care of two gardens. Archive photo: Lars Pauli

– It is of course the many good neighbors and the friendships, 16 years is a long time in the colony garden, says Kim Bønlykke.

– But most of all, it’s probably a feeling. When we lived in an apartment, the colony garden was a free space. Sitting outside in the morning in silence and drinking coffee is something very special. So it’s a lot of little moments and not one big thing that we’re definitely going to miss.

Kim Bønlykke does not want to disclose what the allotment was sold for, but the appraisal price was set at DKK 167,300.41.

2024-09-03 06:18:28
#Kim #goodbye #fun #garden #gate



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