Kim Ki-hyeon “The police ‘loyal dog of the Moon regime’ is ridiculous… We need to restore the public’s trust”

Criticism of police leadership for ‘opposition to the police department’

“Delaying the investigation of druking, intervening in the Ulsan election, etc.

We need to come up with a way to control the power.”

Kim Ki-hyeon, Representative for People’s Power (joint photo) ⓒDailyan Reporter Hong Geum-pyo

On the 24th, Rep. Kim Ki-hyeon, a former floor leader of the People’s Power, opposed the establishment of a police station and aimed at the police leadership who took collective action such as shaved and fasted, saying, “Collective actions prohibited by public officials under the positive law, saying that they will wield unruly power at will without democratic control.” It’s ridiculous to see that he doesn’t hesitate to go to the extreme.”

Rep. Kim said on his Facebook page on the same day, “The Ministry of Public Administration and Security is creating a police department that will be in charge of curbing the abuse of power by the rapidly bloated police. wrote

First of all, he said, “Considering the past behavior of the police leadership under the Moon Jae-in regime, as a victim, I can’t help but to choke on my tongue,” he said. At that time, the head of the Ulsan Police Agency is currently working as a member of the Democratic Party of Korea.”

He continued, “When there was evidence that President Moon’s aide had intervened in the Drooking case, which manipulated public opinion in the presidential election, the police at the time bought time to destroy evidence by actually stopping or delaying the investigation. Not only was it not enough to conduct a coercive investigation against a young man in his 30s, he also pointed out that there was a time when he was charged with trespassing on a building and sent to trial by putting up a satirical pamphlet for President Moon in college.”

He continued, “All of this is a shameful, bare face that some police leaders have committed while serving as loyal dogs throughout the Moon Jae-in regime.” Can we be freed from criticism of being a ‘silent collaborator’ for neglecting the leadership’s evil actions?” he asked.

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Rep. Kim said, “The Moon administration has also given such police the most powerful authority to control every single detail of the Korean people’s daily life through legislation that is unprecedented in developed countries (completely depriving the prosecution of investigation rights).” Means of control must be prepared so that it does not become irreversible. Appointed institutions should receive democratic control from institutions established according to the people’s choice,” he emphasized.

Finally, he said, “If the government has changed due to the people’s judgment, the overly loyal political police leadership and silent members should first reflect on their past mistakes and find a way to restore the public trust that has fallen to the ground,” he said. The self-proclaimed black history of the police is the first object of reform for the normalization of the Republic of Korea, and the forces obsessed with anti-reform and organizational selfishness are only objects of eradication.”

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