Kim Jae-hwan will cover the classic song “I Love You” by the late Japanese singer Yutaka Ozaki_Ming-dong Kuo_Online_Mydaily

2023-11-08 09:43:00

2023-11-08 17:43 Source:
Sohu Korean Entertainment

Published in: Beijing

Original title: Kim Jae Hwan will cover the late Japanese singer Yutaka Ozaki’s classic song “I Love You”

Sohu Korean Entertainment News Korean singer Kim Jae Hwan will cover the classic song “I Love You”.

Kim Jae-hwan released a teaser poster on SNS today, officially announcing that he will cover the classic song “I Love You” by the late Japanese singer Yutaka Ozaki. This song was covered by Korean singer Position in 2000.

Kim Jae Hwan’s cover of “I Love You” will be available on major music websites at 6 pm on the 11th.Guo Mingdong/Text Mydaily prohibits reprinting Return to Sohu to see more


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