Kim Hye-kyung”All my buddhas ” …‘Evil Jae’ I’ll rob you of my own apology


Hello everyone?

Kim Hye-kyung, the spouse of Democratic candidate Lee Jae-myung, held a press conference and apologized in person for the suspicions surrounding him.

Mr. Kim said that he was all his own, and that he would be responsible to the end even following the election was over.

First, Song Lak-kyu reporter.


Kim Hye-kyung, the wife of the Democratic party candidate Lee Jae-myung, who has suspended the public schedule since the time of the controversy over allegations of private use of the corporate card.

Today (9th) followingnoon, I stood in the press conference room and bowed my head.

[김혜경/민주당 이재명 후보 부인 : “공과 사의 구분을 분명히 해야 했는데 제가 많이 부족했습니다. 국민 여러분들께, 특히 제보자 당사자께 진심으로 사과드립니다.”]

Suspicion raised 12 days only.

Mr. Kim said that it was the result of his failure and lack, and that he deserved responsibility.

[김혜경/민주당 이재명 후보 부인 : “선거 후에라도 제기된 의혹에 대해 성실하게 설명드리고 끝까지 책임을 질 것입니다.”]

Kim took some questions from reporters.

He said he had known Bae for a long time regarding the secretary of the party who gave him a private errand, and he explained that he had greeted Bae once with an introduction to the informer.

He added that he thought of the informer as a victim.

[김혜경/이재명 후보 배우자 : “저의 불찰이라고 생각하고요. A씨는 피해자라고 생각합니다.”]

Kim also said that he would like to apologize sincerely to Lee Jae-myung.

Mr. Kim’s apology press conference came following Il Sung, who chaired the Sun Captain’s meeting for the first time today, took over from the General Sun Captain Lee Naak-yeon.

[이낙연/민주당 총괄선대위원장 : “국민 여러분께 걱정을 드린 일도 적지 않습니다. 억지스럽게 변명하지 않겠습니다.”]

A week ago, there was a written apology, but it was decided that the criticism was not fizzling out and the crisis was acting as a bad thing for the candidate’s support.

KBS News Song Lak-kyu.

Cinematographer: Choi Yeon-song/Video Editor: Yoon-jin Lee



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