Former Deputy Prime Minister of Economy, Kim Dong-yeon, will advance to the finals as a candidate for Gyeonggi Governor of the Democratic Party of Korea.
The Democratic Party’s Central Party Election Commission announced on the 25th that former Deputy Prime Minister Kim won first place with a 50.67% majority in the Gyeonggi governor election on the 25th. said to have been elected.
Former Deputy Prime Minister Kim will go straight to the final without voting in the runoff, and will face Candidate Eun-hye Kim, the Power of the People.
In the Daejeon mayor primary, current Mayor Heo Tae-jung won 57.51%, beating former Seo-gu mayor Jang Jong-tae (42.49%). In the presidential election for the Chungnam governor, current Governor Yang Seung-jo defeated former Nonsan Mayor Hwang Myeong-seon (23.46%) with 76.54% and overwhelming votes.
Reporter Yoo-kyung Jo, [email protected]
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