“Killer Whale Attacks on Ships in the Atlantic: Investigation Unveils Revenge Motive by White Gladis”

2023-05-25 03:28:02

Since 2020, there have been dozens of incidents of killer whales attacking ships in the Atlantic Ocean. After several years of investigation, scientists have found that it is likely to be a revenge action initiated by a female killer whale named White Gladis. (Schematic/Pixabay)

A few days ago, when a couple sailed on a yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar, they were attacked by six killer whales. At that time, the killer whales kept crashing into the boat, which made the couple very scared. Fortunately, the killer whales continued to attack the yacht for an hour and left on their own. It was terrifying. The experience surprised 2 people. In this regard, some scientists pointed out that since 2020, the incidents of killer whales attacking ships in the Atlantic Ocean have been continuously reported, which may be revenge actions launched by killer whales.

According to the “Daily Mail” report, on May 2 in the Strait of Gibraltar off the coast of Spain, it was reported that six killer whales besieged a yacht. At that time, 58-year-old Janet Morris and 58-year-old Stephen (Stephen Bidwell) were on the boat together, and they were constantly rammed by killer whales. Fortunately, the killer whales lost interest and left following attacking the yacht for an hour.

In an interview followingwards, Stephen said that the situation was frightening and “it was an experience I will never forget.” Overseeing other orcas attacking them.

Two days following the incident, on May 4, it was reported that three killer whales collided with a yacht. The captain Werner (Werner Schaufelberger) pointed out that there was a big killer whale with two small ones, The big killer whale kept hitting the ship with force from the side, while the little killer whale imitated the movement of the big killer whale and crashed into the boat through observation, eventually piercing the rudder. The crew returned to shore with the assistance of the Spanish Coast Guard, but the ship sank due to serious damage.

In fact, since 2020, there have been dozens of incidents of killer whales attacking ships in the Atlantic Ocean. After several years of investigation, scientists found that it was probably initiated by a female killer whale named White Gladis. revenge action.

In this regard, Alfredo López Fernandez, a biologist at the University of Aveiro in Portugal, pointed out that Gladys may have suffered a ship collision in the past, or was trapped in illegal fishing and hunting activities, which caused trauma and caused it. Behaviors that actively attack humans appear. However, Alfredo also said that adult orcas do not teach young orcas to attack ships. It may be because orcas are highly social animals that can transmit behaviors through imitation, so young orcas will attack. It’s a way of playing, not really offensive.

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