Kill my live-in girlfriend! He filled the body with cement and buried it on the balcony for 16 years. Last month, the landlord caught the leak and discovered the “waxed female body” | CTWANT | LINE TODAY

Kill my live-in girlfriend! He filled the body with cement and buried it on the balcony for 16 years. Last month, the landlord caught the leak and discovered the “waxed female body” | CTWANT | LINE TODAY

A 58-year-old man in South Korea killed his live-in girlfriend 16 years ago and hid her body in cement. (Photo/Gyeongnam Police Department)

A 58-year-old man in South Korea, A, worked in a nightclub 26 years ago. He met B, who was only in his 30s at the time. Later, the two dated and lived together. During a certain quarrel, A was so angry that he threw his girlfriend Mr. B killed him, put the body into a backpack and filled it with cement. No one found him for 16 years. It wasn’t until August this year that the landlord discovered the woman’s body, which had already turned into wax, when he was doing a “leak-catching project” in the attic.

According to reports from the Korean media “Han Min Ilbo” and “Chosun Ilbo”, A and B met in Busan in 1998. At that time, A was working in a nightclub and B was a customer. After the two gradually developed into a romantic relationship, Since 2007, they have been living in a rooftop house on the fourth floor of Geoje City, Gyeongsangnam-do.

On the afternoon of October 10, 2008, two people had an argument. A got angry and attacked B on the head and face with a blunt instrument, causing B to die on the spot. Immediately, Mr. A put his girlfriend’s body into a travel bag that was 70 cm long, 43 cm wide, and 27 cm high. He piled bricks on the outdoor balcony next to the roof tower house. After putting the luggage bag in, he poured a thick 10 cm of cement. It is reported that after the incident, A still lived in this house for 8 years until 2016.

Although Mr. B did not have regular contact with his family, three years after the incident, that is, in 2011, Mr. B’s family notified the police that Mr. B was missing. At that time, the police suspected A’s identity and summoned her for investigation. However, A claimed that “we broke up after a quarrel” and “she ran away from home after the quarrel.” In the end, the police were unable to find B, resulting in “B The “disappearance case” ended as a cold case.

In 2016, Mr. A was imprisoned on suspicion of drug abuse. After being released the following year, he returned to Yangsan City, Gyeongsangnam-do, where his family lives, and lived alone until recently. The original fourth-floor tower room was used by the landlord as a dressing room. It was not until August this year that the landlord discovered the female body when he asked plumbers to dismantle the cement structure for a “leak-catching project.”

The report pointed out that Mr. B’s body was in good preservation condition because it was sealed with cement, and the police were able to use fingerprints to trace his identity. After the autopsy results were released, it was confirmed that the female body was indeed that of B, and the police went to Yangsan City, Gyeongsangnam-do to arrest A.

However, Mr. A initially denied the crime in full, but after continued questioning by the police, Mr. A finally admitted and stated that he had thrown the murder weapon and his girlfriend B’s mobile phone into the sea in front of Chincheon Island in Geoje City. The police plan to complete the supplementary investigation into A’s crime and transfer the case to the prosecutor.

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