“Kill me! I represent Christ!”: Francis Huster’s bloodshed on the war in Ukraine

Invited for Molière’s “Misanthrope”, the actor then let loose on the news in the France Culture podcast. A bit like when his boosted passage in We are live, with Laurent Ruquier, facing Franck Ferrand. “I’m going to kill him”

“Yes, Joe Biden is guilty!

Take a good look at what is happening in Ukraine, Thus begins Francis Huster in the podcast “The paths of philosophy”. Take a good look at the face of Joe Biden, who has dishonored America! John Fitzgerald Kennedy would never have let that happen! There are 42 million Ukrainians, 70% are Christians, and the pope is staying in the Vatican instead of going to kyiv and saying, ‘Kill me! I represent Christ!’”

After this real howl, the 74-year-old actor continues by daring a parallel with the attitude of President Franklin Roosevelt during the Second World War. “Do you believe Jesus would have stayed in the Vatican? Do you believe John Fitzgerald Kennedy would have let millions of Ukrainians have their lives shattered? Yes, Joe Biden is guilty! Absoutely! Absoutely! He is dishonoring America!”

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