Kika/Leiner applies for reorganization proceedings without self-administration

2023-06-12 16:09:00

The unsecured creditor claims (liabilities) amount to EUR 132 million, the company did not provide any information on the assets (assets), said AKV, Creditreform and KSV.

The furniture chain is aiming for a recovery plan payable within two years. The approximately 440 creditors are to receive a quota of 20 percent. According to Kika/Leiner, the causes of insolvency are, among other things, increased price pressure and sales expectations that did not materialize, as well as delays in delivery due to the corona pandemic. According to the company, around 3,300 employees are affected by the insolvency.

At the beginning of June, the Signa Retail Group of the Tyrolean investor Rene Benko sold the operative Kika/Leiner business to Wieser and the furniture store properties to the Supernova Group of the German specialist retailer Frank Albert. As previously announced, 23 of the 40 Kika/Leiner branches across Austria are to be closed and 1,900 jobs cut.

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VIENNA. After the sale of the operative Kika/Leiner business by the Signa Retail Group of the Tyrolean investor Rene Benko to the retail manager …

How things will continue with Kika/Leiner


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