Kickl in summer talks: “We have to make intensive care patients competitive again”

FP leader Herbert Kickl was the third top politician to attend the ORF Summer Talks on Monday evening – moderated by Martin Thür – in Traunkirchen. The sky was cloudy, Kickl had already climbed the Traunstein, which could be seen in the background, and the atmosphere was tense at times. Kickl repeatedly asked not to be interrupted, and he also repeatedly accused Thür of “unclean journalism”. At the end, things got loud for a moment – due to a protest action by boat on the lake.

Video: The ORF “Summer Talks” with FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl entered their third round on Monday evening.

The summer talks began with the topic of new taxes or tax increases. Kickl rejected this categorically, saying “We won’t allow that.” Kickl explained why there had been such increases in the past despite the same promise after the election by saying that the FPÖ was not the stronger partner in government. Things should be different in the future.

High achievers in the country must be motivated to stimulate the economy, said Kickl. He blamed the ÖVP above all for the poor economic situation, and said that Austria, the “intensive patient” business location, must be revived using all possible means. He gave a brief insight into the new FPÖ economic program.

“I am purified here”

Kickl explained his experience with the corona pandemic as the reason why he now so strictly rejects the surveillance of messenger services – he saw things differently during his time as Interior Minister. “I have been purified here,” he says, and he does not want to implement such an instrument under any circumstances. The situation is completely different with a law banning political Islam – the FPÖ has already called for this several times, and Kickl did so again today.

Thür also spoke about the espionage scandal and the charges surrounding former FPÖ security spokesman Hans-Jörg Jenewein. Was that “an example of clean politics”? asked Thür, referring to an old FPÖ election campaign slogan. Kickl did not answer this question, saying that the courts would decide on the Jenewein case, but at the same time he denied any responsibility.

When it came to migration, Kickl struck a familiar tone – along the lines of “I am in favor of deporting criminals.” At the same time, however, he spoke of the need for temporary migration to strengthen the economic location.

Kickl is skeptical about the polls that have consistently shown the FPÖ in first place for weeks. He says these are also a means of manipulation. The clear aim is to “come first”.


Julia Popovsky

Editor State and Domestic Politics

Julia Popovsky

Julia Popovsky



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