KIA Tigers and LG Twins Match Recap: Lee Ui-ri’s Return and KIA’s Pitching Woes – Sports Chosun Report

2024-05-09 23:02:54

The match between the KIA Tigers and the LG Twins took place on the 10th at the Kia Champions Field in Gwangju. KIA Lee Ui-ri fights back. Gwangju = reporter Park Jae-man

[스포츠조선 박상경 기자] I caught the ball. However, the KIA Tigers remain cautious.

The match between the KIA Tigers and the LG Twins took place on the 10th at the Kia Champions Field in Gwangju. With one out and the bases loaded in the top of the second inning, KIA Lee Ui-ri came off the mound following complaining of elbow pain. Gwangju = reporter Park Jae-man

If left-handed starting pitcher Lee Ui-ri (22) returns. It’s still a question mark.

The match between the KIA Tigers and the LG Twins took place on the 10th at the Kia Champions Field in Gwangju. KIA Lee Ui-ri fights back. Gwangju = reporter Park Jae-man

Eui-ri Lee recently participated in the rehabilitation group. Lee Ui-ri, who started once morest LG in Gwangju on the 10th of last month but complained of pain in his left elbow and voluntarily took the mound, was diagnosed with a left elbow flexor sprain during an examination the next day and was canceled. As the injury was not serious, he was expected to return to competition following rest and rehabilitation.

KIA, which was comfortably in the lead until April, slowly begins to crack in May. There was no joy in using alternate starters, and the load on the starters and bullpen seemed to get worse. It is time to continue the momentum of April, but it is not accelerating. The return of Lee Ui-ri, who not only holds a spot in the starting rotation but is also capable of playing long innings, is bound to be a big boost for the KIA mound, making it difficult to easily hijack the attention. on his return.

However, KIA coach Lee Beom-ho seems to be focusing more on stability followingwards rather than speed of return.

Regarding Lee Ui-ri’s recent condition, coach Lee said, “He threw. After the inspection, we plan to decide whether he will participate in the (Futures) or not,” and explained, “C ‘is for safe preparation.’ On the 1st, he explained the live throw to Lee Ui-ri’s rehabilitation team, saying, “After throwing the ball, you can only go up (to play the game) if everything, including your condition body and your sensations (regarding the injured part) is okay” and “A little”. He explained: “If you have a strange feeling, it is right to postpone it”, and said that the deadline might be delayed up to 15 days.

After Lee Ui-ri returned to the first team following a month-long break, he is expected to aim for a full-time season. To do this, you must be in perfect physical condition and then play in the first team. If the starting rotation is canceled once more due to injury recurrence, the blow to KIA will inevitably be severe. This is why KIA and director Lee emphasize “perfection” as the premise of Lee Ui-ri’s return.

Currently, Hwang Dong-ha has taken over as starter following Kim Geon-guk. Kim Sa-yoon and Kim Do-hyun, who can play multiple rounds, are included in the first team, and other candidates are waiting in Futures. First of all, KIA has no choice but to hold on until Lee Ui-ri returns.

Reporter Park Sang-kyung

#Rookie #Year #threw #ball #returned #team #KIA #seeks #perfection #speedSC포커스



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