Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police Hold Demonstration at Headquarters, Pledge to Withdraw from Polio Vaccination Initiatives

After Lucky Marwat, there has been an all-out protest against police target killing incidents in Bajaur as well.

The police protest in Lucky Marwat has entered the third day, the police personnel of Lucky Marwat also staged dharna at two more places Manjewala Chowk and Dara Pizzo. All the roads connecting the city have been cut off by these sit-ins.

The series of police protests in Lakki Marwat started on September 9, with officials demanding full powers to be given to the police, protection of police jawans and officers and clearing of police lines of secret agency personnel. The officials said that the police itself will end terrorism in three months. Officials also demand that the police union be restored and the unsafe and remote Bragi police station be abolished.

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Protesters today say that we are expanding the scope of the protest. The protest will continue until the demands are met.

Yesterday, the protestors said that the officials of District Kirk Police, Bannu Police, Tank Police and Dera Ismail Khan will also join in the sit-in.

It should be noted that in the last one week, five policemen have been martyred by firing by unknown persons in Lucky Marwat, after which the policemen have been forced to protest.

The protesters have formed a six-member committee for negotiations.

Police officials say that the officers have been given a two-day ultimatum for the demands, our protest and dharna will continue for two days, if the demands are not accepted, they will expand the scope of the protest.

4 people were injured in an explosion in the main market of Turbat

Protest started in Bajaur too

Bajaur police protested and said that they are fed up with continuous target killings and martyrdoms

Bajaur Police has announced a dharna at Police Line Ground Head Koratar Khar and also announced a boycott of polio duty.

Noserbaz arrested for making critical talk in police uniform




What specific measures are the police in Lakki Marwat and Bajaur demanding to ensure their safety against target killings?

Police Protests in Lakki Marwat and Bajaur: Demanding End to Target Killings and Better Protection

The police forces in Lakki Marwat and Bajaur have taken to the streets, staging a series of protests against the frequent target killings of their colleagues. The protests, which have entered their third day, are demanding better protection, full powers to be given to the police, and an end to the presence of secret agency personnel in police lines.

Lakki Marwat Protests

The protests in Lakki Marwat began on September 9, with police officials demanding an end to the target killings of their colleagues [[1]]. In the last one week, five policemen have been martyred by unknown assailants, prompting the police to take a stand and protest against the lack of protection and security provided to them [[2]].

The protesters have set up sit-ins at various locations, including Manjiwala Chowk and Dara Pezu, cutting off all roads connecting the city [[2]]. The police officials are demanding full powers to be given to the police, protection of police jawans and officers, and the clearing of police lines of secret agency personnel [[3]].

Bajaur Joins the Protest

The protests have now spread to Bajaur, where the police have also taken to the streets, announcing a dharna at Police Line [[2]]. The Bajaur police are fed up with continuous target killings and martyrdoms, and are demanding better protection and safety measures to ensure their colleagues’ lives are not lost in vain.

Demands of the Police

The police in Lakki Marwat and Bajaur are demanding several measures to ensure their safety and prevent further target killings of their colleagues. These demands include:

Full powers to be given to the police

Protection of police jawans and officers

Clearing of police lines of secret agency personnel

Restoration of the police union

Abolition of the unsafe and remote Bragi police station

Better protection and security measures to prevent target killings

The police officials have given a two-day ultimatum for their demands to be met, and have threatened to expand the scope of the protest if their demands are not accepted.

Consequences of the Protests

The protests have already caused disruptions in the daily life of citizens, with all roads connecting Lakki Marwat being cut off [[2]]. The situation remains tense, with the police officials determined to continue their protest until their demands are met.

The government is under pressure to address the grievances of the police and provide them with better protection and security measures to prevent further target killings. Failure to do so could lead to further unrest and instability in the region.

the police protests in Lakki Marwat and Bajaur are a cry for help from the law enforcement agencies, demanding better protection and security measures to prevent further target killings of their colleagues. The government must take immediate action to address the grievances of the police and ensure their safety and security.



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