keys to the exodus of doctors abroad

The medical exodus It is a very latent reality for years in our country. More and more doctors decide to emigrate to other territories for purely labor reasons. The numbers don’t lie: more than 20,000 Spanish doctors have traveled outside of Spain in the last 10 years.

Among the reasons, the first -and perhaps the most obvious- is the salary that they obtain beyond our borders. A doctor in Spain earns around 45,000 euros gross per year (as long as he does not perform shifts). This figure triples in countries such as France or the UKwhere it amounts to 120,000 and 144,000 euros respectively.

Why is there a brain drain in medicine?

But that is not the only reason that pushes Spanish doctors to only take a one-way ticket. If we talk regarding Labor conditionswe will see that they also benefit in this matter when packing.

During the first years of exercise in Spain it is common to chain eventual contractswhich generates a job instability That does not benefit the workers at all. However, the situation in other places is very different. According to what they say, they are warmly welcomed there, since the training we provide in Spain is widely considered.

Factors like age or specialty they also come to influence the election. More than half of the current MIR would not rule out developing as a professional abroad.

With these data on the table, the main focus of attention points to a higher investment by public entities and an improvement in conditions, both when it comes to retaining talent and in the case of wanting to promote the return of Spanish doctors who carry out their work outside of Spain.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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