Keys to New Beginnings: 22 Families in Yaguarón Celebrate Their New Homes


New Homes‌ Delivered to Families in Yaguarón

Asuncion, IP Agency. – ‍In a significant milestone, 22 families from the 1st of May Project, 4th ⁤Phase, in Yaguarón, Paraguarí⁤ department, proudly received the keys ‌to ⁢their new homes. This project‌ was made possible through ‍the ⁤National Fund for Social⁣ Housing (Fonavis), with a substantial investment ⁤of Gs. 2,082,167,725.

The key⁣ handover ceremony was held on Tuesday, attended by Minister of Urban​ Planning, Housing and Habitat, Juan Carlos Baruja, ⁢alongside departmental and municipal authorities. Minister Baruja addressed the attendees, ⁢stating, “We have come​ to ‌hand over the keys‌ to these 22 homes so that you can‍ enter‌ and enjoy them. These‍ homes are already completely finished and ​verified.‌ It is a pleasure for me to be here today and share this important moment with all of you.”

This construction initiative was part​ of the National Social ‌Housing Fund (Fonavis), contributing to a total investment of Gs. 2,082,167,725. This investment not only ⁢provided homes but also⁢ revitalized the local economy by creating​ job opportunities for ​the residents of ⁣the assisted communities.

Each ‌home features two‍ bedrooms, a living room,⁢ a⁢ kitchen and dining area, a bathroom, and an external laundry space. The houses are built using locally produced ⁣ceramic materials, ⁤promoting sustainable construction practices.

The delivery of safe and high-quality housing remains a cornerstone of President Santiago Peña’s ‌government, which is committed to the comprehensive​ development of Paraguayan families.

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