Key Takeaways from the September 12, 2024 Government Council Meeting: Insights and Discussions


In the general details of the deliberations of the Government Council meeting today, Thursday, September 12, 2024, a statement from the Council stated that the latter was devoted to presenting a sectoral presentation, and to discussing a number of draft legal texts and appointment proposals to senior positions in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.

At the beginning, the Government Council followed a presentation on the latest developments in the school year, given by Chakib Benmoussa, Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports.

The presentation touched on various aspects related to this school year, which actually started on Monday, September 9, 2024, at all levels and levels in all educational institutions, under the slogan: “For a quality public school for all”, as this school year witnessed the enrolment of 8 million and 112 thousand female and male students in their educational institutions, in addition to about 984 thousand girls and boys in early education.

The Minister’s presentation also touched on the efforts of the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports to expand school offerings and reduce overcrowding in classrooms, and the special attention the Ministry gives to social support services, given their contribution to encouraging schooling, raising the level of academic achievement and reducing school dropout.

The presentation touched on the most important reform projects undertaken by the Ministry within the framework of implementing the 2022-2026 roadmap, where measures and procedures were taken to ensure the success of the current school year, which includes the expansion of the Pioneer Schools project in primary education, which will number 2,626 primary schools, and the launch of the piloting of the “Pioneer Preparatory Schools” model with a total of 232 preparatory schools. The Ministry also continues to generalize and improve early education, and expand the teaching of the Amazigh and English languages.

Then, the Government Council discussed and approved the draft decree-law No. 2.24.728 amending Law No. 17.04 as the Code of Medicines and Pharmacy, presented by Mr. Khalid Ait Taleb, Minister of Health and Social Protection.

This project comes in the context of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic related to the drug security of our country, as this global health crisis revealed the urgent need to ensure the sustainability and availability of medicines, especially vaccines, as a vital material to confront health crises and enhance health care.

This project aims to achieve vaccine sovereignty for our country by establishing a national industry that responds to national and continental demand, keeping pace with this industry and ensuring the quality of locally manufactured or imported vaccines, and verifying that they meet internationally recognized standards.

Given the urgency of establishing an effective and comprehensive legal framework, a draft decree-law has been prepared, which aims, in particular, to establish a national system for the official recognition of the suitability of vaccine and serum lots intended for human use for packaging and marketing. This system aims to establish a procedure for reviewing production data and quality control test results for each lot of vaccine or serum intended for human use that has been subject to a market authorization.

Subsequently, the Government Council discussed and approved draft decree No. 2.24.729 defining the conditions and methods for granting the official certificate of approval of the suitability of the share for packaging and marketing, also presented by Mr. Khalid Ait Taleb, Minister of Health and Social Protection.

This project aims to determine the conditions and methods for granting an official certificate of approval of the suitability of a vaccine or serum batch intended for human use for packaging and marketing; the procedure for submitting a file requesting this official certificate; and the documents and data that the file must include.

The Government Council continued its work by debating and approving draft decree No. 2.24.657 amending decree No. 2.10.337 issued on 16 Jumada I 1432 (April 20, 2011) establishing the “Tangier Automotive City” free export zone, presented by Mr. Mohcine Jazouli, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of Public Policies, on behalf of Mr. Ryad Mezzour, Minister of Industry and Trade.

This project aims to amend Decree No. 2.10.337 establishing the Tangier Automotive City Free Zone, as amended and supplemented, by increasing the area of ​​the current zone from 517 hectares to 1,185 hectares, in order to meet the growing demand from industrial investors wishing to establish their businesses in the zone.

Afterwards, the Government Council discussed and approved draft decree No. 2.24.153 implementing the provisions of Law No. 47.09 relating to energy efficiency with regard to energy services companies, taking into account the comments raised, presented by Ms. Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development.

This project is part of the national energy strategy that was developed in accordance with the high directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, which considers energy efficiency a national priority. This draft decree also comes in implementation of the provisions of Article 7 of Chapter 2 of Law No. 47.09 on energy efficiency, in order to define the specifications of energy service companies, and the conditions and requirements that must be followed to create and carry out the activities of energy service companies.

Subsequently, the Government Council discussed and approved draft decree No. 2.24.761 relating to the certificate of origin proving electricity from renewable energy sources, taking into account the comments raised, also presented by Ms. Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development.

This project aims to implement the provisions of Article 6 bis of Law No. 13.09 relating to renewable energies, as amended and supplemented, and Article 16 of Law No. 82.21 relating to the self-production of electrical energy by determining the methods for granting certificates of origin proving that quantities of electricity come from renewable energy sources and identifying the body responsible for granting these certificates.
Then, the Government Council discussed and approved Draft Decree No. 2.24.804 implementing the provisions of Law No. 82.21 relating to the self-production of electrical energy with regard to the smart meter, also presented by Ms. Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development.

This project falls within the framework of implementing the provisions of Article 18 of Law 82.21 relating to the self-production of electrical energy, which aims to define the functions provided by the smart meter intended to measure the electrical energy drawn and injected into the national electrical grid.

The Government Council concluded its work by discussing and approving proposals for appointment to senior positions in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution.
At the level of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the following were appointed:
Mr. Idriss Bin Sheikh, Director of the Exchange Office.
At the level of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, appoint:
Mr. Khalil Amghrafawi, Director of the Higher School of Education and Training in El Jadida;

#General #details #deliberations #Government #Council #meeting #today #Thursday #September
2024-09-14 22:25:20

– What key ‍decisions were made during the Agadir24 Government Council meeting on ⁣September 12, 2024?

Agadir24: Comprehensive Details of the Government Council Meeting

On September 12, 2024, the Government Council⁢ convened to discuss and approve several draft legal texts⁤ and appointment proposals,⁣ as outlined in Article ‍92 of the Constitution. The ‍meeting was marked by a sectoral presentation‍ on the latest developments in the ⁤school year, followed by discussions on various draft decrees ⁢and ⁤laws.

Education Sector: Focus on ⁢Quality and Accessibility

The Minister ⁣of National Education, Preschool and ​Sports, Chakib Benmoussa,⁣ presented an overview of the current school year, which began on September 9, 2024. The Ministry’s efforts to expand school offerings, reduce overcrowding ‍in classrooms, and provide social support services were highlighted. The presentation also touched on the ‍implementation of the 2022-2026 roadmap, including the expansion of the⁤ Pioneer Schools project and the‌ launch of the “Pioneer‌ Preparatory Schools”⁢ model.

Healthcare Sector: Vaccine Sovereignty​ and Drug Security

The Minister⁣ of Health ⁤and Social Protection, Khalid Ait Taleb, presented a draft‌ decree-law amending Law No. 17.04, the Code of Medicines and ‍Pharmacy. The project aims⁢ to ⁤establish a national industry for vaccine production, ensuring the sustainability and availability of medicines, ⁤especially vaccines, in the face of health crises.

Industrial Development: Expansion ⁣of the Tangier Automotive City Free Zone

The Minister Delegate to the Head of Government ⁤in charge of Investment, Convergence and ⁢Evaluation of Public Policies, Mohcine ‌Jazouli, ‍presented a draft decree amending Decree No. 2.10.337, establishing the Tangier Automotive City Free Zone. The ​project aims to⁣ increase the zone’s‍ area⁣ from 517 hectares to 1,185 hectares, meeting ‍the growing demand from industrial investors.

Energy Sector: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy‌ Sources

The Minister of Energy Transition and ⁣Sustainable Development, Leila Benali, presented several draft decrees, including one implementing the provisions of Law No. 47.09 relating to energy⁤ efficiency, and another relating to the⁢ certificate of origin ⁣proving electricity‍ from renewable‌ energy sources. The projects aim to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, ⁤and self-production of electrical energy.

Other Key Decisions

The Government Council also⁤ approved draft decree ⁣No. 2.24.804, ⁣implementing‍ the provisions⁢ of​ Law No. 82.21 relating to the self-production of electrical energy ‌with regard to‌ the smart⁤ meter. ​Additionally, the Council discussed and approved several appointment proposals to senior positions, in accordance with Article 92 of‌ the Constitution.

the Government Council meeting on ⁣September 12, 2024, marked a ⁣significant step forward in advancing various ‌sectors, including education, healthcare, industry, and energy. The approved ‍draft decrees and laws aim to promote quality ⁢education,⁢ vaccine sovereignty, industrial development,‌ energy efficiency, and renewable energy sources, ultimately contributing to the country’s sustainable development and growth.

Keywords: Agadir24, Government Council,

– What were the key decisions made during the Moroccan Government Council meeting on September 12, 2024?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Agadir24:

Moroccan Government Council Meeting: Key Takeaways and Decisions

The Moroccan Government Council convened on Thursday, September 12, 2024, to discuss and approve several key sectoral presentations, draft legal texts, and appointment proposals to senior positions in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution. The meeting, chaired by the Head of Government, aimed to address pressing national issues and launch important initiatives.

Education Sector Presentation

The Minister of National Education, Preschool, and Sports, Chakib Benmoussa, presented a comprehensive report on the latest developments in the school year, which began on Monday, September 9, 2024. The presentation highlighted the government’s efforts to improve the quality of education, expand school offerings, and reduce overcrowding in classrooms. The Ministry has also prioritized social support services to encourage schooling, improve academic achievement, and reduce school dropout rates.

Reform Projects and Initiatives

The Ministry of National Education, Preschool, and Sports has launched several reform projects to implement the 2022-2026 roadmap. These initiatives include:

Expanding the Pioneer Schools project in primary education, which will cover 2,626 primary schools.

Launching the piloting of the “Pioneer Preparatory Schools” model with a total of 232 preparatory schools.

Generalizing and improving early education.

Expanding the teaching of Amazigh and English languages.

Draft Decree-Law on Medicines and Pharmacy

The Government Council approved draft decree-law No. 2.24.728, amending Law No. 17.04 as the Code of Medicines and Pharmacy. Presented by the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khalid Ait Taleb, this project aims to ensure the sustainability and availability of medicines, especially vaccines, in the face of health crises.

The draft decree-law establishes a national system for the official recognition of the suitability of vaccine and serum lots intended for human use for packaging and marketing. This system will ensure that locally manufactured or imported vaccines meet internationally recognized standards.

Draft Decree on Vaccine and Serum Lots

The Government Council also approved draft decree No. 2.24.729, defining the conditions and methods for granting the official certificate of approval of the suitability of vaccine and serum lots intended for human use for packaging and marketing. This project aims to determine the procedure for submitting a file requesting the official certificate and the documents and data that the file must include.

Tangier Automotive City Free Zone

The Government Council approved draft decree No. 2.24.657, amending decree No. 2.10.337 establishing the “Tangier Automotive City” free export zone. Presented by the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment, Convergence, and Evaluation of Public Policies, Mohcine Jazouli, this project aims to increase the area of the current zone from 517 hectares to 1,185 hectares to meet growing demand from industrial investors.

Energy Efficiency and Services Companies

The Government Council discussed and approved draft decree No. 2.24.153, implementing the provisions of Law No. 47.09 relating to energy efficiency with regard to energy services companies.


The Moroccan Government Council meeting on Thursday, September 12, 2024, showcased the government’s commitment to addressing pressing national issues, improving the quality of education, and launching key initiatives to drive economic growth and development. The approved draft decrees and laws will have a significant impact on the country’s education, health, and economic sectors.

Keywords: Agadir24, Moroccan Government Council, Education Sector, Reform Projects, Medicines and Pharmacy, Vaccine Sovereignty, Tangier Automotive City, Energy Efficiency, Energy Services Companies.

Meta Description: The Moroccan Government Council meeting on September 12, 2024, approved key initiatives and draft decrees to address national issues, improve education, and drive economic growth. Read more about the outcomes and decisions of the meeting.



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