Key Stories Defining Moroccan Media Landscape: September 16, 2024


Below is a presentation of the most prominent headlines in the national newspapers issued today, Monday, September 16, 2024.

The Commander of the Faithful presides over a religious ceremony at the Hassan Mosque in Rabat to commemorate the Prophet’s birthday (Moroccan Sahara)

Table of Contents

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God assist Him, accompanied by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid and His Highness Prince Moulay Ahmed, chaired, Sunday evening at the Hassan Mosque in Rabat, a religious ceremony to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. During this religious ceremony, which featured the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran and the singing of praises to the Prophet, the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Mr. Ahmed Toufiq, delivered a speech before His Majesty the King, in which he presented the results of the activities of the Higher Council of Scholars and the local scholarly councils, before presenting to His Majesty the report on this result.

Rabat.. Signing of an agreement between the National Defense Administration and Royal Air Maroc (Moroccan Sahara)

Within the framework of the high royal care given by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, to members of the Royal Armed Forces, employees of the National Defense Administration, veterans and former military personnel, as well as the nation’s dependents, which aims to strengthen the social services provided to these categories, and by order of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Meryem, Head of the Social Services of the Royal Armed Forces, an agreement was signed at the Officers Club in Rabat between the National Defense Administration and Royal Air Maroc. A statement from the General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces stated that under this agreement, members of the Royal Armed Forces, employees of the National Defense Administration, veterans and former military personnel, as well as the nation’s dependents and beneficiaries will benefit from specific discounts of 25% on travel tickets, whether for domestic or international flights, starting from Thursday, September 12, 2024.

Government expects economic growth to accelerate to 4.6 percent in 2025 (Al-Ummah Message)

The government expects the national economy to grow by 4.6 percent in 2025, compared to the 3.3 percent expected for the current year. According to the Ministry of Economy and Finance in its report on “Budget Implementation and Macroeconomic Framework,” the estimate of this rate is based on assumptions related to the international and national contexts. The report indicated that the assumptions on which the aforementioned growth rate (4.6 percent) was based at the international level include expectations of an increase in external demand directed to Morocco by 3.2 percent, and a stability in the average price of a barrel of oil.

Among 46 countries, Morocco is in the first group and a global leader in the cybersecurity index (Al-Ummah Message)

Morocco was ranked among the first and highest group in the world with a first-tier classification as a leading model in the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) for the year 2024, issued by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a United Nations organization specialized in information and communication technologies. The Global Cybersecurity Index is an index concerned with measuring the extent of countries’ commitment to cybersecurity standards, for 194 member states of the Union, where Morocco was among 46 countries classified in the first category, which is the highest of the five categories, and is designated for exemplary countries that demonstrate a strong commitment to all five pillars of cybersecurity, by obtaining an overall score of 97.77 points in this index out of 100 possible points, and it also obtained a full score in three of the five categories mentioned in the classification mechanism.

IFC and OCP Launch Project to Address Water Shortage in Morocco and Food Insecurity in Africa (Al-Ummah Message)

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, announced a €100 million loan to the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) group to finance a project to address water shortages in Morocco and food insecurity in Africa. “To increase sustainable water supplies for fertilizer production, benefiting farmers and households in Morocco, IFC today announced a €100 million (approximately $108 million) loan to OCP Group, a global leader in plant nutrition and phosphate fertilizer solutions,” the two institutions said in a joint statement issued in Washington.

Morocco: Adoption of a new strategy to develop climate finance by 2030 (News)

The Ministry of Economy and Finance, Bank Al-Maghrib, the Moroccan Capital Market Authority and the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority have adopted a new strategy to develop climate finance by 2030. The Ministry of Economy and Finance explained on its website that this strategy is based on three pillars of action comprising nine strategic axes that primarily aim to identify levers that will accelerate the mobilization of private financing to serve the climate and enhance climate risk management within the financial sector.

Strike law brings together government, unions and employers (news)

The wheel of dialogue between the government and social stakeholders has moved again on the basis of the draft law regulating the strike. The most representative unions stressed the need to agree on the contents of the draft law regulating the exercise of the right to strike, highlighting on the sidelines of the government’s consultative meetings with the most representative trade union centers and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises, chaired by the Minister of Economic Integration, Small Business, Employment and Skills, Younes Sekkouri, the importance of subjecting this project to serious and constructive societal discussion and dialogue. Said Khairallah, a member of the National Secretariat of the Moroccan Labor Union, said that negotiations on the draft law regulating the exercise of the right to strike have reached advanced stages, expressing the union’s readiness to engage, along with the other stakeholders, in a negotiating methodology that guarantees the exercise of the right to strike, in order to reach a historic consensus.

His Majesty the King congratulates the kings, presidents and princes of Islamic countries on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday (Le Matin)

On the occasion of the Islamic nation’s celebration of the Prophet’s birthday, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect and preserve him, sent greeting cards to his brothers, Their Majesties, Highnesses and Excellencies, the kings, presidents and princes of Islamic countries, in which His Majesty included his best congratulations and blessings, and his best wishes for good health, happiness and well-being.

After the recent rainfall and floods in the southeast, life returns to dry wells (Al-Ahdath Al-Maghribia)

Significant rainfall, after years of drought that exhausted many regions in the Kingdom of Morocco, especially in the southeast, has restored life to a group of wells, as the region has witnessed a noticeable recovery in the water table recently thanks to the heavy rains that fell on these regions. These rains were not only a blessing for farmers, but also restored life to wells that had been dry for many years. According to the “Alma Dialna” website of the Ministry of Equipment and Water, residents of a village in the Tinghir region noticed the return of water to some wells that had dried up due to the severe lack of rainfall over the past years.

Return of sectoral dialogue in groups (Moroccan events)

After a three-month hiatus, the unions of the local authorities sector received an invitation from the Ministry of the Interior on September 19, as part of the follow-up of the sectoral social dialogue and based on the contents of the meeting held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. The General Directorate of Local Authorities at the Ministry requested the union representatives, according to the summons document, to “appoint two (2) representatives to attend the work of this meeting at the headquarters of the General Directorate, the Ministry of the Interior Annex. The last meeting dates back to May 14, when it was agreed to hold a session on May 28, which was postponed to June 4, but since that date, no new round of dialogue has been scheduled, before the unions received the Ministry’s invitation to resume it.

Dismantling a gang that steals motorcycles by force (Al-Masaa)

The police of the regional security district of Ifrane, in coordination with their counterparts in Fez, and based on accurate information provided by the services of the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance, were able to dismantle a criminal gang active in stealing motorcycles using violence, last Thursday and Friday, consisting of nine people, including a woman, all of whom have criminal records.

A committee from the Supreme Council of Accounts visits the Meknes community (Al Massae)

Data obtained by “Al Massae” from informed sources revealed that an inspection committee affiliated with the Supreme Council of Accounts recently visited the Meknes community, in order to examine some administrative and financial files related primarily to the collection of tax fees, especially those related to the exploitation of cafes and restaurants, after it became clear that a group of them were not paying tax dues for unknown reasons.

Morocco participates in Strasbourg in a conference of the Council of Europe (today’s statement)

A Moroccan delegation participated in the work of the Conference of National Associations of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe held on 12 and 13 September in Strasbourg. The Kingdom was represented at this meeting, organized on the theme “A renewed partnership to strengthen local democracy”, by the President of the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Prefectural and Provincial Councils, Abdelaziz Darouich, accompanied by two representatives of Moroccan associations of regions and communities, Atika Rabba and Lahcen Amrouche. In his speech at a round table on the integration of youth in the decision-making process, Mr. Darouich stressed that young people in Morocco represent a real potential for wealth creation and an actor in economic and social development.

A research doctor confirms that recording the first case of “monkeypox” is not a cause for concern, but requires intensifying precautionary measures (Al-Youm statement)

Tayeb Hamdi, a physician and researcher in health policies and systems, said that the detection of the first case of monkeypox “is not surprising and does not cause any concern at all,” but rather is an indicator of the effectiveness of the monitoring and vigilance system in the Kingdom. Last Thursday, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection announced, within the framework of the national system for vigilance and epidemiological monitoring, the registration of the first confirmed case of monkeypox (M-pox). Hamdi explained, in a statement to “Bayan Al-Youm,” that the virus, which is transmitted quickly and easily from one person to another, can reach any country at any time through the movement of people.

UN Human Rights Council: NGOs call for action to ensure basic rights of people detained in Tindouf (statement)

Non-governmental organizations called on the international community to pressure Algeria to guarantee the basic rights of the population held in the Tindouf camps. This call came during the general discussion of the annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the state of human rights in the world, on the occasion of the 57th regular session of the Human Rights Council held in Geneva under the presidency of Morocco.

#important #interests #Moroccan #newspapers #Monday #September
2024-09-19 02:54:08

-⁤ What are the latest updates from Morocco’s national newspapers according to Agadir24? ⁢

Agadir24: Unveiling the Latest Headlines from Morocco’s National Newspapers

As the week ⁣begins, Morocco’s ​national newspapers bring⁤ us the ‍latest updates on ‌the ⁤country’s most pressing issues, from royal ceremonies to economic growth, cybersecurity, and climate finance. In⁤ this article,​ we’ll delve into the top headlines from Monday, September 16, 2024,‍ as reported by⁣ Agadir24.

The Commander of the Faithful Presides Over a Religious Ceremony

His Majesty ⁢King Mohammed VI, accompanied by members of the royal family, chaired‍ a ⁤religious ceremony ‍at the Hassan Mosque in Rabat to commemorate⁢ the Prophet’s birthday. The ceremony featured the recitation of verses from the Holy ‌Quran and the singing of ⁢praises to the Prophet. During the event,⁤ the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs presented​ a report to His Majesty the King on the activities of the Higher Council of Scholars and local scholarly‌ councils.

Rabat: Signing of an ⁤Agreement Between the National Defense Administration and Royal Air Maroc

In a move to strengthen ⁤social services for members of the ‌Royal Armed⁣ Forces, employees of the National Defense Administration, veterans, and ​former military personnel, an ⁢agreement was signed between the National Defense Administration and Royal ⁤Air Maroc.‌ This agreement offers ‍specific discounts of 25% on ​travel tickets for domestic and international flights, starting from⁤ September 12, 2024.

Government​ Expects Economic ‌Growth to Accelerate⁤ to 4.6 Percent in 2025

According to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, ⁤the government expects the national economy to grow by 4.6 percent‍ in 2025, compared to the 3.3 percent expected for the⁢ current year. This estimate ⁤is based on assumptions related to international and national contexts, including an increase in external demand and⁤ a stability in oil‌ prices.

Morocco Leads the Way in Cybersecurity

Morocco has ‍been ranked among the top ⁣countries in the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) for 2024, issued by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). ⁤With a ‍score of 97.77 points⁤ out of 100, Morocco ⁢is⁣ classified as ‍a leading model in⁤ cybersecurity, demonstrating a strong commitment to all five ⁢pillars of cybersecurity.

IFC and OCP Launch Project to Address Water Shortage⁤ and Food Insecurity

The International ‍Finance Corporation ‌(IFC) has announced a €100 ‌million loan to the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) ​group to finance a project addressing water shortages in Morocco and food insecurity in Africa. This project aims to increase sustainable water ‍supplies for fertilizer production, benefiting farmers ‌and households in Morocco.

Morocco Adopts a New Strategy to Develop Climate Finance by 2030

The Ministry​ of⁢ Economy and Finance, Bank Al-Maghrib, the Moroccan⁤ Capital Market Authority, and‍ the Insurance and Social⁤ Security Supervisory Authority have ‍adopted a new strategy to develop‌ climate finance by ‌2030. This strategy aims to identify ​levers that will accelerate the mobilization of private financing to serve⁤ the ‌climate​ and enhance climate risk management‌ within the financial sector.

Strike Law ⁣Brings Together Government, Unions, and Employers

The government and social stakeholders have ‍resumed dialogue on the draft ‍law regulating the‍ strike. The most representative unions have stressed the need to⁣ agree on the⁤ contents⁤ of the draft law, which aims to balance the rights of workers and employers.

these latest headlines from Morocco’s national newspapers highlight the country’s continued efforts to promote economic growth, cybersecurity, and climate finance, while also addressing pressing social issues such as water‌ scarcity and​ labor⁣ rights. As the week unfolds, we can expect more updates on these stories and ​others that shape the Kingdom of Morocco.



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