Keti Givoni’s Extraordinary Path to Healing: Discovering an Hidden Truth

This secret has been with Kati since the age of 19. When she served in the army, when she traveled in the USA, when she studied for her degree – and also when she opened a successful company for website branding and consulting. Only today, when she is 32 years old, she manages to tell everyone out loud her secret – even to herself.

She shared about the long concealment: “When I first started working in prostitution, I would tell the people around me that I do regular escorting of people, like going with them to restaurants and weddings. It’s telling and not telling. It was a great way to test the area – and it sounded more prestigious than being a prostitute. When I told This to one of the partners I had after that he told me ‘Wow, I was afraid you would tell me you were a whore.'”

Katie explained that she decided to reveal this secret because she couldn’t accept the fact that she had to live with this lie forever. “It’s the greatest healing in the world,” she said. With extraordinary openness, Katie told about the day she decided to call the escort girls office, and how everything is connected with a brutal rape she went through as a child – which left her with a severe trauma.

She shared: “It was when I was 19 years old, in the army. I was sitting with some other friends at the base and one of them told me that she knew someone who works as an escort girl and makes a lot of money. I heard that and I said, ‘Wow, I have to do this thing.’ Like the most logical thing to do – from the rape to the age of 19, I found myself in a lot of sexual experiences where I am unable to say ‘no’.”

In her opinion, prostitution actually allowed her to experience these situations so to speak from a place of strength. “If you are constantly forced to have sex with strangers when you don’t want to be there – then why not make money from it? It’s a kind of taking control of the trauma,” she said. She added and told about the beginning: “I came from a financially difficult home. We had no money and my parents worked hard for money. If now I’m armed with this weapon called my body – then that’s what I’m going to use. I found a phone number for an escort agency on Google and called it – The next day I already started.”

Keti Givoni as a soldier “This moment was just the beginning of the suffering”

To fully understand Kati’s story, you have to go back with her to the age of 13 – to a time when she lived with her parents and her twin brother in Petah Tikva. She said: “I was generally lonely, I felt like a lost girl wandering around looking for herself. My parents worked hard – we didn’t see them much and it was very difficult for them to express warmth and love. I found myself at some point starting to look for it outside. I started meeting people from the neighborhood and realize that I have another way to get attention – through my appearance and my sexuality.”

Katie’s mother did not like her connection with the people in the neighborhood. She forbade Katie to continue hanging out with them and asked her twin brother to watch over her. Katie decided to rebel, packed a bag and ran away from home. She found a ride for a friend with a 20-year-old boy she didn’t know, a friend of the kids in the neighborhood – but he had other plans. “He just kissed me and I tried to push him away from me. The second moment I remember is me just lying down – and him on top of me. After he finished, his friend came in and they changed. I told him ‘I’m 13, I don’t want to’. A few moments and I find myself Again in the same situation – lying down, looking at the ceiling and disconnecting. This moment was just the beginning of the suffering.”

Katie filed a police complaint against them along with her mother. So began a long and painful legal process that ended in a plea deal in which the boys served two and a half years in prison. “What they did the whole trial was make me look unbelievable,” said Kati. “They told me, ‘You’re a liar,’ ‘This is what you want,’ ‘You’re a sexual girl.’

Kati remembered those days: “I kept changing names, and I mostly remember experiences with the pimp who used to take us by car. Walking into the hotels and apartments where it happened is the biggest moment of shame, everyone knew why I came. You walk in the door, lie with the man, walk out – and you forget. From six in the evening to six in the morning. There can also be very unpleasant, painful and humiliating situations. The body does not accept it, it does not want it.”

Keti Givoni “I didn’t understand how it could be that now I get paid to do something I love”

When asked if she defines herself as a “prostitute,” she replied: “I didn’t define myself in any way. I couldn’t even look it in the eyes at all. Even after I got out of prostitution, I realized how difficult it is for me to accept this title. I remember the moment when I was sitting at home And I look at the money I made and say to myself – OK, it’s worth it and it’s over.”

But it’s not really over. Cathy had difficult encounters with prostitutes who haunt her to this day. “I arrived at a house where there was a well-known Mizrahi singer with a lot of his friends,” she said. “Something in me said ‘cool, I know him’. But as far as I’m concerned, I didn’t come there for group sex. I slept with him and then his boyfriend started touching me and trying to sleep with me too – and I didn’t want to. There were seven or eight men there – I moved them away from me and asked them to stop. Really I felt in danger there so I just ran away – I was afraid they would rape me.”

When she was discharged from the army, Katie started working in sales at Tami 4, where she started to earn money. She discovered that she had a talent for sales, and within a month she was in the top positions of the center, while bringing in high salaries. However, every time she wanted to save a little more money, she allowed herself to go back to prostitution. She was asked if she tried to flag someone down for help. “I told my first friend after about six months,” she answered. “When he heard about it, it was really hard for him. After him, I had another partner in the United States, I would go during work hours, when he was not around – or I would go in the evening and tell him I had something.”

Kati continued to work in prostitution even when she returned to Israel. At that time she tried to help her mother deal with the financial difficulties and get approval for her mortgage from the bank. Cathy assured herself that if the long-awaited approval came – that would be her sign to stop. This decision pushed Katie to look for other ways in which she could make a living. She returned to the world she loved as a child – graphics and building websites – and opened a business to promote online sales sites. “Within six months I became a licensed dealer and within two years I became a member,” she said. “Within a few months I already made more money than I did in prostitution. I didn’t understand how it could be that now I get paid to do something I love.”

Kati Giboni “I don’t know a girl who says ‘my dream is to be a prostitute when I grow up'”

Four months ago, Katie took another step in her rehabilitation journey. She uploaded a podcast in which she reveals her personal story, the work in prostitution and the trauma she relived for many years. She told about the reactions she received: “I received a lot of messages and personal stories, I was contacted by women who are or have been engaged in prostitution – and also those who have been raped. I heard crazy stories – I suddenly realized how present this thing is.”

At a time when Keti was engaged in prostitution – the consumption of prostitution was legal. Today a law has already entered into force that prohibits this and imposes fines on consumers. However, the phenomenon is far from disappearing and enforcement is insufficient. Unlike Katie, most of them do not manage to get out of the destructive cycle. And so Kati is here, speaking and sharing, paying the price of advertising and the problematic labeling for others. “I had a lot of anger at people who consume prostitution – but today my attitude is not like that. Today I blame the culture that makes it possible to buy a woman’s body. I now have the right to make people understand what that means – prostitution is not a free choice.”

When asked what she would say to those people who think that prostitutes have a choice in their profession, she replied: “I don’t know a girl who says, ‘My dream is to be a prostitute when I grow up.’ , like being in high-tech, where she would get the same amount – and she would say ‘No, that’s what I like to do the most’, so fine. But that’s exactly the point of free choice – do you understand what options she chooses?”

Did you find a language mistake?

Her family and friends about her past in prostitution.

From Prostitution to Empowerment: Kati​ Givoni’s Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing

Kati Givoni, a 32-year-old entrepreneur, has lived a life⁤ marked by secrecy and trauma. For over a decade, she concealed a painful truth from

What motivated Kati to transition from prostitution to sharing her story of liberation?

The Unspoken Secret: Kati’s Journey from Prostitution to Liberation

Kati Givoni’s life has been a complex web of secrets, lies, and trauma. For 13 years, she concealed a part of her past, afraid to confront the truth and its consequences. But today, at 32, she has finally found the courage to share her story, a testament to the power of liberation and healing.

From Prostitution to Empowerment

At 19, Kati made a decision that would change the course of her life. She started working in prostitution, telling her friends and family that she was an escort, accompanying people to social events. It was a way to test the waters, to gauge the reactions of those around her without fully disclosing the truth. But deep down, Kati was driven by a desire to take control of her life, to find a sense of empowerment in the wake of a brutal childhood trauma.

The Roots of Trauma

Kati’s story begins at 13, when she was raped by two boys from her neighborhood. The experience left her with severe trauma, a feeling of helplessness that would linger for years to come. Her parents, though well-intentioned, were unable to provide the emotional support she needed, and Kati found herself seeking attention and affection from others, often through her appearance and sexuality.

A Life of Rebellion and Self-Discovery

Running away from home and seeking solace in the wrong crowds, Kati’s life became a downward spiral of pain and suffering. But she refused to give up. She filed a police complaint against her attackers, braving a long and arduous legal process that would ultimately lead to a plea deal.

The Escort Agency and the Road to Prostitution

It was during her time in the army that Kati stumbled upon the idea of prostitution. A friend mentioned knowing someone who worked as an escort, earning a substantial income. For Kati, it was a lightbulb moment – why not take control of her body, her sexuality, and her life? She found a phone number for an escort agency online and made the call, starting her journey into the world of prostitution.

The Connection Between Prostitution and Trauma

For Kati, prostitution was a way to cope with the trauma of her past. By taking control of her body, she felt empowered, as if she was reclaiming a part of herself that had been stolen. It was a way to say, “I’m not a victim; I’m in charge.”

Breaking Free from the Lie

But living a life of secrecy took its toll on Kati. She realized that she couldn’t keep hiding the truth from herself and others. The weight of the lie was crushing her, and she knew she had to find the courage to reveal her secret.

The Liberation of Truth

Today, Kati is finally free from the shackles of secrecy. By sharing her story, she has found a sense of liberation, of healing. It’s a testament to the power of truth and the human spirit.


Kati’s journey is a powerful reminder that trauma and pain can be overcome. It’s a story of resilience, of empowerment, and of the human capacity for growth and transformation. By sharing her secret, Kati has found a sense of peace, and we can all learn from her bravery and determination.

Keywords: prostitution, trauma, rape, empowerment, liberation, healing, secrecy, truth, human spirit.

Meta Description: Kati Givoni shares her secret: from prostitution to liberation. Read her powerful story of trauma, empowerment, and healing.

Header Tags:

H1: The Unspoken Secret: Kati’s Journey from Prostitution to Liberation

H2: From Prostitution to Empowerment

H2: The Roots of Trauma

H2: A Life of Rebellion and Self-Discovery

H2: The Escort Agency and the Road to Prostitution

H2: The Connection Between Prostitution and Trauma

H2: Breaking Free from the Lie

H2: The Liberation of Truth

* H2: Conclusion



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