“Kenyan Cult Leader Uncovered: Mass Graves & Starvation Deaths on Mackenzie Estate”

2023-04-23 23:34:29


The bodies were located in at least 32 common graves.


There are already 39 bodies found by the Kenyan Police buried in mass graves on land owned by Kenyan cult leader Paul Mackenzie Nthenge, a self-proclaimed cult leader from Kilifi Countyon the coast of that country.

The man was sent to jail on suspicion of influencing his followers to fast to death.

Investigators have found at least 32 mass graves on the Mackenzie estate. in the neighboring town of Malindi, of which there are still at least a dozen to be unearthed.

Mackenzie, leader of the so-called International Church of Good News, turned himself in for the first time to police last month, after two children died of starvation in front of their parents, members of the sect.

After being released on bail, He was arrested again on April 15 and has now started a hunger strike to protest against his treatmentreported the Kenyan daily The Nation.

Eleven other members of the sect or their children are admitted in serious condition, three of them in critical condition, after being found dying in a forest, at the beginning of the investigations into the mass graves.

In the last few hours, a woman hiding on the farm of the cult leader was found alive. The woman, according to the Police, is “on the verge of death”, also due to starvation, although she tried to resist the agents who were trying to transfer her to a hospital for urgent medical attention.

“At first glance, large-scale crimes have been committed under Kenyan law and international law. Although the State respects religious freedom, this horrendous plague must lead us to the harshest possible punishment for the perpetrator(s) and stricter regulation,” Kenyan Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki said on Sunday through his Twitter account. .

Satanic temple in the US prepares historic meeting in support of the devil

Although for the vast majority of people in the world the devil is a despicable entity that they would never want to meet, there are groups that worship him as their god. This is the case of the crowd that is expected to attend one of the biggest events to “praise” the devil.

The event is called SatanCon 2023, and it will take place in Boston, United States, on April 28.. The organizers hope that this version will be classified as the largest in all of history in terms of meetings of this type.

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This event is dedicated to Boston Mayor Michelle Wu for her unconstitutional efforts to keep TST out of Boston public spaces”, expresses SatanCon on its website.

Those attending the event will have to comply with strict biosecurity protocols, so those who wish to enter must use an N-95, KN-95 or disposable surgical mask, As reported Fox News.

For this year the theme chosen is the “Hexennacht”, a word that in German means “halloween’s night”; It is also expected that a tribute be paid to Walpurga, a Christian saint said to have exorcised demons from humans.

The temple will also celebrate the 10 years of its foundation. Within the programming, activities such as a satanic wedding, allusive rituals and the sale of objects related to satanic culture.

*With information from Europa Press

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