Kehagia: The costs of energy increases will be passed on to citizens – 2024-07-19 03:25:59

The press representative of SYRIZA-PS, Voula Kehagia, blames the government for the increases in electricity tariffs.

“The costs of the increases in energy will be passed on to the citizens, but possibly limited because there will be this subsidy”, she says in statements to the TV station “SKAI” and adds: “The government once once more adopts our proposals – we had submitted and relevant proposals for a law on the taxation of energy companies’ surplus profits. Today, in fact, the government submitted the amendment to the Parliament for the taxation of the surplus profits of the refineries. And we wonder, when the government blamed SYRIZA – PS, which as a responsible official opposition saw and predicted what was coming and told us regarding money trees and these cheap excuses, now what has changed?”

He then asks: “Do we still have an imported crisis? Because I read sources from the Ministry of Energy, which are published on very reliable sites, which say that they attribute the large increases in wholesale in our country to external factors. The problem, sources from the Ministry of Energy say, starts with the large price hikes in the Hungarian market, which through the interconnections are transferred to Romania, Bulgaria and finally Greece. Are we serious now? The government should have foreseen what was coming. Last winter the Ministry of Energy and Mr. Skylakakis indirectly but clearly encouraged consumers to join the green tariffs, saying and predicting that no matter how high or fluctuating the prices of the green tariffs are, it is the safest option. That happened; No”.

So now the Ministry of Energy comes and says, at least regarding the green tariffs, which have been left up to the providers. Millions of Greek consumers will potentially be subsidized up to 15 and more by the state. So the state can intervene. And what Minister Mr. Skylakakis said that he cannot intervene is a lie. The state can intervene to protect the citizens, but we prefer not to go any further in conditions of prolonged heat, in conditions of change and climate change and climate crisis, to have our fellow citizens not dare to turn on the air conditioning because they fear that they will suffer electrocution from electricity bills’.

Ms. Kehagia also referred to the verbal confrontation between Mr. Polakis and Ms. Syregela, saying: “When the president himself takes Ms. Syregela, whom I value very much, and gives her his sincere apology for this specific incident, this what else is it? I think this is clear. So I am telling you that Mr. Kasselakis, calling Ms. Syregela, also raised another issue: when two months ago in the pre-election period, New Democracy MP in Drama, Mr. Kyriazidis, said that he was confused because he did not know whether he should to put a masculine or feminine article in front of the word president and the president of SYRIZA Progressive Alliance and New Democracy and the government and Megaro Maximos were silent, whistled indifferently, did not say anything, what was that?”

#Kehagia #costs #energy #increases #passed #citizens



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