“Keep away from it immediately.” The Ministry of Health issues an urgent statement regarding drinking tea and coffee at this time

The Ministry of Health and Population announced the provision of a number of health instructions through which people can maintain their health and that protect people from disease, stressing the importance of eating healthy food and avoiding tea and coffee during meals, and the healthy foods recommended by the Ministry of Health came through Its official page on the social networking site “Facebook”.

Ministry of Health

Healthy foods according to the Ministry of Health and Population:

  • eggs
  • legumes
  • Nuts and seeds
  • meat
  • Dark leafy vegetables

The Ministry of Health and Population also noted the importance of avoiding consuming tea and coffee during meals. It is worth noting that the Ministry of Health had provided many tips that help protect children under 18 years of age from the risk of infection with the Corona epidemic, and these tips come regarding:

Ministry of Health
  1. You must take care of children’s nutrition and treat any health problem.
  2. The importance of teaching children how to wear a medical mask properly.
  3. Hands must be washed and disinfected frequently.
  4. Paying attention to children from 12 to 18 years of age receiving the Covid-19 vaccine to strengthen their immunity.

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Health has noted that there is no antibiotic or vaccine that protects once morest infection with respiratory syncytial virus, and the reason for this is due to the fact that it is a viral disease and not a bacterial one so that the antibiotic can treat the respiratory syncytial virus, but the treatment of syncytial virus depends on a number of drugs Given to children following consulting a doctor.

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Health has revealed the performance rates related to the control of health institutions in the governorates, through the concerned teams, and the Minister of Health, Dr. In addition to providing training for the employees of these departments.

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