Keep an eye on MORE stocks, suspend trading, problem orders. must prove honesty

The relevant organizations include the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO), the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). o) has called an urgent meeting To find a solution to the problems that occur with the shares of More Return Public Company Limited or MORE.

Preliminary last afternoon Orders for all 1,500 shares in question will be suspended until it is clear that the purchase and sale transaction is in good faith. At the same time, on Monday, November 14, the SET may consider suspending MORE stock trading to prevent further problems that may follow in the future.

It is expected that MORE stock trading transactions with large investors according to this news In addition to being planned for money from brokers who may have to pay on behalf of the buyer. Small investors will also suffer. Especially the group that converted warrants. (Warrants to purchase ordinary shares)

For the 2nd tranche of MORE or MORE-W2 warrants, the exercise price is 2 baht, while the MORE share price is considerably higher than the conversion price. Causing many people to exercise their stock conversion rights But in the end, it was smashed until the price fell, closing the market on Friday, November 11, at 1.37 baht.

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